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ok here are the new pokemon: Marill (#183)

Pronunciation: MA-RILL Element Water Type Tiny mouse Height ??? Weight ??? lbs. Techniques ???

Okay, folks, let's get this on the record: THIS IS NOT PIKABLU. In fact, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PIKABLU.This was a huge misconception months ago when the creature hit Japanese shelves last year during the Pokémon Movie. A big rumor was spread in the US that you could turn Pikachu into Pikablu in Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow. Sorry, folks, this creature's name is Marill. And other than being a mouse, he isn't directly related to Pikachu.

Marill made its debut in the US Wednesday, November 10 in Pokémon: The First Movie. It's a water elemental mouse, that's really cute and really round, and it makes its game debut in Pokémon Gold and Silver.

Otachi (#161)

Pronunciation: OH-TA-CHI Element Common Type Watch Height 2' 6" Weight 13 lbs. Techniques Tackle Tuck

Otachi is an early, common Pokémon in the Silver and Gold editions of Pokémon. He's kind of like Tigger in that he uses his tail to stand on and look out for friends. He's a nimble Pokémon, so he's rascally when you try to nab him, but he's quite common, so if you lose him, just find another. They're worth catching, because they evolve into the's just fun to say Ootachi.

Chances are good that Otachi's name will change when Pokémon Silver and Gold are released in the states.


Pronunciation: TOH-GEH-PEE Element ??? Type Normal Height 0.3m Weight 1.5 kg Techniques Shake Finger

Well, just so you can keep up with the new Pokémon that will be introduced to the Pokémon game and TV series, every Friday we'll feature one Pokémon that's not among the original 151. This week, Togepi takes the stage.

This Pokémon was introduced in the TV series, and has a role in the Pokémon Movie. It will also be featured in Pokémon Gold and Silver when the game is released in the US Fall 2000. As is, Togepi cannot physically fight as a baby, but it can use a random attack spell called Finger Shake. Togepi is not in the original Pokémon games (and isn't even in Pokémon Yellow), so don't bother looking. In Gold/Silver, players actually find Togepi fairly early on -- but it's in form of an egg that you will have to carry around for a while before it hatches.

Meripu (#179)

Pronunciation: MEH-REEP (The 'U' is silent) Element Electric Type Normal Height 2' 0" Weight 17 lbs. Techniques Electric Shock Usokki (#185)

Pronunciation: OO-SO-KEY Element Rock Type Normal Height 4' 0" Weight 84 lbs. Techniques Stone Attack Mimic

Why, I'm a good, nay great... I mean, the best new

Pokémon! Yeah, that's the ticket!

Soon to be the most famous liar since Jon Lovitz' Tommy Flanagan (President of the Pathological Liars' Association), Usokki is a perplexing Pokémon. He looks like a tree, but his body is made of stone. He will mimic others' moves, just like Ditto.

There are many other oddities that surround Usokki, but you'll have to learn those idiosyncrasies when you catch this Pokémon -- and he's so rare that you may never get to do that. In fact, like Snorlax, this Pokémon only comes out twice in the game, so if you miss him, you may never get another chance.

Useless factoid: Usokki is a play on the Japanese words Usoki (which means fake tree) and Usotsuki (which means liar).

Elekid (#239)

Pronunciation: UH-LECK-KID Element Electric Type Electric Height 2' 0" Weight 52 lbs. Techniques Thundershock Quick Attack Leer

An electrifying new Pokémon, and the great grandpa of a Pokémon favorite.

This hot head may spark some interest in Pokémaniacs, as he's the pre-evolution of Electabuzz. Once you generate this little trigger, you'll find that he's an angry fellow with a short fuse and throws a nasty high-voltage temper tantrum when he's grounded. Also known as Erekid in some circuits, Elekid is the missing link in Electabuzz's family.

But how can you get a pre-evolution Pokémon without a time-travelling DeLorean? The answer lies in an act I personally never planned to think about: Poké Sex. For those of you too young to have had "the talk," here’s a quick guide to the Spearows and the Beedrills of Pokréation:

When a boy Pokémon and a girl Pokémon love each other very much, their trainer can take these two lover birds (or love puppies, or love fish, or love... whatever the heck Ditto is) to a Breeding farm (inside the town where you will find Mirutanku the cow). There, he will find an elderly couple who just love to play midwife to Pokébabies (Jim Henson's Pokébabies?). We're not entirely sure why this lonely couple has dedicated itself to Pokémon ranching rather than raising a family -- perhaps these two just haven't heard of Pokéviagra. But whatever the reason, they love lending a hand to the lord's work, and they're ding-dang-darn good at their job. Hand a male Pokémon to the old man, and a female Pokémon to the old lady, then leave them all to work their magic. (Trust me, you don't want to be around when whatever it is that happens here happens!) Come back to the farm and you'll find an egg, which will eventually hatch into a baby Pokémon.

This breeding feature is one of the most important and intriguing features of the new Pokémon games. Other pre-evolutions include a baby Clefairy named Pii, a baby Jigglypuff called Puprin, and even an infant Pikachu called Pichu. Of course, Pokémon hybrids are a fascinating prospect, but just what you'll get when you mate different Pokémons will remain, at least in these pages, a mystery until Pokemon Silver and Gold arrive here in the states.

Thatz all for now!!!!!
