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Melissa's First Homepage

Hi. My name is Melissa Franks. I am 20 years old and in my second year of university at the U of R. I grew up in Raymore, Saskatchewan, Canada (it's about 1 hour north of Regina, SK,). Now I'm living here in Regina. I am a very outgoing person and I love the Fine Arts, Sports, the Outdoors. I enjoy singing, playing the piano, Drama, track & field, football, softball, working out, fishing & camping. I am a born-again Christian!! I attend Raymore Baptist Church when I'm at home and Faith Baptist Church when I'm in the city. I am involved the college & career in Regina. I am part of the Faith Baptist Church worship team. I have also worked with some kids clubs in our church. I graduated from grade 12 in May 1999 and I am now attending the University of Regina in the Elementary Education Program. The thing I miss most about being here in Regina is my family. I miss my mom, dad, brother and kitty! I have a boyfriend here in the city though so that helps a bit.His name is Chris. He is attending Canadian Bible College in Regina and wants to be a Worship Pastor. And, if your wondering why there are so many picture pages it's partly because I Love Pictures and partly because I have lots to show and only three pictures will fit on a page. Anyway, that's a little bit about me (and my page), but don't go away - check stuff out!! AND don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave!! :) Hebrews 12:2

Pictures of Me
My Family
My Friends
GRAD '99
My Favourite Sites
