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Once upon a time there were two kynd sisterz, Wendy & Jill. They met at UMASS Amherst. Wendy was on the windowsill waiting to be let in, but after conversing with Ed, she went on a drive with Jill & the two became best friends ever since. There they began their spiritual journey together. Wendy & Jill embarked on a number of adventures along the way. They swam with the Phish, danced with the Dead, and spread lots of positive energy wherever they went.
They saw , and moonbeams, shooting , & Venus. They climbed , picked & , made beautiful ,laughed & laughed, & spun around & around under many a shining & blue sky. One sad day Wendy & Jill had to part. They moved far away from each other. But because of their lovin' kyndness & spiritual bond, their arms were still long enough to hug from across the United States, and their legs were still strong enough to spin.
Welcome to Jill & Wendy's Page of , , & It's been a long, strange trip & we are still the kyndest sisterz we know!

Lots of places where the landscapes change
but the faces remain the same from plain to plateau
and as you travel to and fro you get to know the 'scapes
as two best friends share all the woes and scrapes
remembering times when clocks stood still
to find peace in the tranquil discovery of each other's smiles
through miles of whiles investing sleepless rest
at best when hearts don't jest the one most true -- called friend.
by: Michael Maldonado

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~*~The ~*~Kynd Sisterz~*~ Community was created to unite sisterz & brotherz of the Grateful Dead & Phish scene to spread their love, soulfulness, & smiles across the web & keep in touch while we are on & off tour. We consist of over 100 members. We recognize & support all small businesses & individual vendors & praise their talents in producing handmade crafts, jewelry, & clothes, hemp & eco-friendly products. We welcome you to join us & keep the vibe alive!~*~

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~May the World hug you today with its warmth and love
pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart.
And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend
sitting in another corner of the World wishing you well"~

Click on her image!

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Remember, Not All Those Who Wander...
...Are Lost!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
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Jill -n-Wendy

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