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The Caldwell's

Proposal for CNS 3660

Utah Valley State College

Family Web Site

Pictures of me and Rulon

Cool Stuff Web page

Hi! My name is Kaylynn. Welcome to our web page. Me and Rulon were married on November 9th, 2001.

Rulon and I are both students at Utah Valley State College. Rulon is majoring in Lineman Technology. He should be graduating this Spring. I am majoring in Computer Networking and I still have a couple more years.

We like to play games, watch movies, play sports, and laugh! Some of our favorite movies are Opportunity Knocks and Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves. Our favorite football team is the New England Patriots (Super Bowl Champions!!!!).

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Anyway, We are glad you stopped by. If you ever need us then just send us an e-mail to Oh and don't forget to sign our guestbook! See ya!

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