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My Journey through Life

Content Warning:

This site is the continuing story of my own personal odyssey. My own views are expressed here. If you do not agree with them or feel that I have gotten something wrong I would love to hear from you at my e-mail address. Please be polite. Writing this has helped me to sort out how I feel and has been a sort of therapeutic exercise. I hope this helps someone else in their own personal journey.


Welcome to my web site outlining my Journey through Life

Well - where to start ? I started this web page some time ago as sort of a therapy session and also in the hopes that maybe by relating my own experiences and story it may help others going through the same thing. Overall the response has been positive although there have been people who felt compelled to be nasty. That's par for the course when a person decides to quit the traditional path.

I've received spam mail and had my e-mail box crashed due to suddenly being subscribed to a heap of different mailing lists. Fun and games all round. But I'm not deterred - mostly I just feel sorry for those people - a fact that I'm sure would irritate them. I decided to have different categories on this site and hope to update it on a more regular basis.

Since I started this page my interests have increased. I've found that there's a lot of different knowledge out there and restricting myself is counter productive to my own growth. I suddenly find myself in a position where I want to know everything all at once. Usually though when I want to find out more about a specific topic the information more or less falls right into my lap or a person with this information comes into my life. It's interesting how that happens. Makes me really believe that there is a divine power directing all of this.

It seems that if you ask - you do receive if you are open to information that makes you re-evaluate what you thought was the TRUTH.

The intent of this site is not to convert anyone to my way of thinking or annoy anyone (although that seems inevitable). If these topics are likely to offend you, or upset you, or anything else I suggest you find another site to browse that will be more to your liking.

My Story (Updated)

Topics I'm now interested in

Web sites of interest

Some of the Deities I'm interested in


--Ring of Truth-- by stop_abuse
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