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Jfrog's Lost Haven


¤ Jaurag's Redwall

¤ Jfrog's Jokes
¤ My Chats
¤ My School
Related Pages

¤ Jfrog's Jukebox
¤ Cool Links
¤ Awards And

Welcome to Jfrog's Lost Haven! Created by me, Jfrog, as you've probably already guessed. Well, where should I start . . I created this page in June 1999 and have been working on it since. As you can see in the index it's gotten to be a fairly large site too. (yay!) Well I guess that's all, (wouldn't want to bore you to death in the first paragraph would I?). Thank-you for comming and enjoy!
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Jfrog's Jokes

Jaurag's Redwall Encyclopedia

Cool Links

My Chats

Awards An' Webrings

My Jukebox

SchoolRelated Sites

Friend's Pages

Rei's Website

Verdauga's Space Station

Shinji's Site

Jenny's Insomniac Site

Lauren's Chat
