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<bgsound src="closerwalkwiththee.mid" loop=infinite>

Hey! -------Go tell everyone, for heaven's sakes! She's looking for all her ancestors!


The family histories that will be included in the final work of the web site will be Haddock, Blount,(see no.74) Hunter, Rodgers, Harrison, May, Joiner (site being updated) , Ivey, Hodges , Joyner, and McAfee


Well as you can see
I am in a big hurry
To run around town
Ancestors can be found!!
May each endeavor be
"Just a Closer Walk with Thee." Me Running


----especially for Rachel, Clark, and Tosha----



A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. Albert Einstein

her book---in appreciation to the memory of Juanita Haddock for this quote in her family book---




Now,let's go for it!!! ruff-ruff (Dogs are just super in this family!)



The Harrison family
has super old snapshots.
How exciting!
The Haddock family
has pictures you don't
want to miss!
Click on Harrison above to also see these ancestors - Hodges, and McAfee. Click on Haddock above to also see these families - Rodgers and Blount.
Our ancestors walked these streets and sat on these porches. Turn back to places in time. More interesting things to come in this area. Come back to see new additions.




Hello! I suggest that you do want to read this part. It's just for fun and you will like it.

The Beautitudes of a Genealogist


Can you help? Send e-mail to Annette! I do enjoy hearing from my friends. I check my e-mail daily and have fun responding to you. Good luck to all of you as we search our families. God bless you.

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View my guestbook here when this one is back online. Sign my guestbook when this one is back online. The one above is working.



Thanks to all of you for reading my site. And remember - Genealogists never die, they just lose their census!