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Welcome to FyreChaser's Firefighting Web Site

Last updated on: 04/17/00 17:13

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This website is dedicated to all the firefighters, EMT's and Police Officers around the world who risk thier lives everyday protecting and helping those in need.


There have been people to this site since February 14th 1999.

My Guestbook

You will find links to other firefighter's web sites, City/Town Fire Departments sites, friend's sites, and other firefighting and EMS related sites and of course to my personal web site. Feel free to visit them and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you would like to try and find me on the net, my ICQ number is 13762638 and I am a channel operator on #funshack on IRC.DAL.NET feel free to locate me there and chat away about anything. Below you will find the Web Rings I belong to, check them out as well. They will take you to some cool sites that are fire related. If you would be so kind as to scroll down to the will see the current conditions in Sarasota Florida and Portland Maine. Sarasota is the next city/county over from my current state of residency and Portland is near my old hometown of Scarborough.

Links Page


Scarborough Fire

Fire Stuff

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Coming Soon

This Fire Department Web Ring site owned by Robert Cyphers .

Want to join the Fire Department WebRing? Contact the RingMaster
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This EMS-Fire Ring site is owned by Robert B. Cyphers, Jr.

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This Fire and EMS Personal Home Pages site owned by Robert Cyphers.
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This Site Owned By
Rob Cyphers


"The E.M.S. WebRing"

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This E.M.S. WebRing Site is operated by
Rob Cyphers
FyreChaser's Firefighting Web Site

to The E.M.S. WebRing


Cool Netsites
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is run by Rob Cyphers.

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This Java Applet Banner will run continuously, displaying the 13 Missing Children Alert Cases. Clicking on the photograph will bring up the Alert 
Page with more information, and the ability to print posters. Clicking 
on the Marquee Message will connect to the NCMEC home page. 
This Missing Children's Ring site is owned by Rob Cyphers
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If the Ring is down, a complete listing of members' links are here. 
Newest Missing Alerts


Member of the Fire & Haz-Mat Ring
The Fire & Haz-Mat Ring


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The Paramedic Response Ring is owned by
The South Texas Web.
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This #Streetcops Police Web Ring   site is owned by
Rob Cyphers

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This page was created and is maintained by and Rob Cyphers miniscule knowledge of HTML. © Rob Cyphers 1999