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Welcome to my poetry page. There are 11 poems. As well as 1 poem from another very talented poet.

This site is updated randomly whenever I have new material to add so keep checking back!

Through trial trod the weary

On this path of stone,
My feet are sore.
This path is hard,
My soul is wore.
Each time I fall,
And stumble still.
My enemies all laugh,
And gain their fill.
I feel lost,
As a ship at sea.
Wandering in darkness,
No light before me.
I cry out,
I Pray to be heard.
To reach His ear,
My sobbing, my word.
I ask for strength,
When weak I feel.
I pray, lift these burdens,
So my shoulders may heal.
I ask for patience,
Of which I need.
When I feel an answer,
Of haste to heed.
I ask you lord,
To work in my life.
To shine your light,
Upon my family, my children, my wife.
I pray your light would shine through,
These darkest of days.
Like a lighthouse of hope,
In all its ways.
Guide me Father,
With your love, so true.
Teach me Father, that I may know you.
Be patient with me Father,
As I stumble and fall.
Knowing that your love,
Is the greatest gift of all.

Thank you Lord for your truths and your trials and thank you Lord for teaching me, for You know how I must be

-Troy Leavitt

Diamond in Fire

Though the night is dark, and the wind is fierce.
Though fear waits, for your heart to pierce,
You must remain true.
Though the clouds may rise, and the rain may lash,
And terror arrives, with a lightning flash,
you must remain true.
Though the ground may quake, and your soul may ache,
You must remain true.
For as steel is born, through a mighty flame,
And the greatest pressures, create diamonds of fame.
You will survive, this darkest of night,
and see a new day break, with dawns early light.
You will fix, what was wrong.
what was weak, will be made strong.
As a phoenix through the ashes, you will rise anew,
and you will find, Faith has sustained you.

Private No Name

Here I stand, without a name,
Though never to be forgotten, just the same.
I'm on the ground, or the air up high,
I'm on the front lines, where enemies lie.
I fight and laugh, and cry each day,
Just to protect, the American way.
I'm every soldier, you see pass by,
From the lowest private, to a General on high,
I'm the soldier on TV, who died that day,
Never to be forgotten, though my name fades away.
I'm a daily number on the casualty count, it's true,
But this is my sacrifice, my gift to you.
Though history books will show, A soldier fought the fight,
Just rest easy,
Private no name is on guard tonight.

I wrote this while at Army Basic Training in Fort Leonard Wood around September, 2010. Stay safe soldiers.

When to say

When do you tell someone,
That you care?
When do you give,
Your thoughts to share?
How do you put into words,
What you want to say?
When is the right time?
Is there a right day?
Does this person know,
That you care?
What will they say?
When your thoughts,
You share?
Will they say, That’s nice,
And walk on by?
Or will they smile,
With a tear in their eye?
Would things continue,
As before?
Or would you open,
A brand new door.
In the game of life,
There’s always a chance.
That they’ll walk on by,
Without a backward glance.
With no rule book,
To guide each day.
We trust our heart,
And let fate lead the way.


They stand at the front,
Their hearts race.
Man and Woman,
Stand face to face.
Words are spoken,
Promises made.
A ring to show,
Love will never fade.
A Declaration is given,
Man and Wife.
Together in love,
To meet their new life.
As one they turn,
To walk down the aisle.
Arm in arm, they beam and smile.
Man and Woman,
Are now one.
The journey of life,
Has only now, begun.

May Happiness follow you, throughout your days.
May Love find you, in all its ways.
May you find strength in each other, if things go
May compassion find you, if ever you’re sad.
These my friends, I wish to you,
As you start, your life anew.

-Troy Leavitt 07/18/02


A scent of a memory,
Upon the breeze.
A fleeting touch,
The slightest tease.
Upon my porch, I sit and stare.
As my memory reaches,
With utmost care.
The past comes forward,
Out of the dust of old.
Coming to the front,
With stories told.
The breeze blows on,
Swift and sure.
My loneliness gone,
It knew the cure.


A crossroad is approaching,
It is drawing near.
A crossroad is approaching,
Filling me with fear.
I look down each way,
With nothing in sight.
What will happen,
If I turn left?
If I turn right?
Will the choice be right,
That I make.
Or when will I know,
If it is a mistake?
Will someone be hurt?
By the choice I make.
Will I be hurt?
If the wrong choice I take?
My tears flow free,
As I begin to cry.
I just don’t know,
Which road to try.
A crossroad is approaching,
It is drawing near.
A crossroad is approaching,
My choice is here.
-Troy Leavitt


Now I'm nervous,
What did I do?
I'm so worried now,
Because I asked you.
What will you say,
I just don't know.
I guess I'll have to wait,
Only time will show.
So nervous now,
A little kid I feel.
I hope things go well,
For it would take a long time to heal.
I'll understand,
If things don't go that way.
Just as long as you'll be my friend,
Then, as you were today.
Troy Leavitt

The faces of Love

It’s amazing how wonderful,
Love can be.
When all around us,
It’s love we see.
From the light in the eyes,
Of ones so young,
Underneath a mistletoe,
In a doorway hung.
From the glances and the giggles,
The flirting too!
It’s hard to hide,
A love so new.
Then there’s love,
That’s solid and strong.
That’s been tested and tried,
And still never wrong.
The love of a husband,
And that of a wife.
Strong enough,
To make a life.
They smile as they watch,
The young one’s glee,
For they know,
What young love may be.
Still others out there,
Who have loved and lost,
They know the power of love,
And they know the cost.
There hurt lies deep,
And seldom seen.
But would go through it again,
Knowing what it would mean.
Still others are fearful,
Of what love can be.
Fearful that,
They’ll never be free.
To them I say,
Let love flow.
Give it a chance,
To blossom and grow.
Love can hurt,
It’s certainly true.
When things go wrong,
And hearts break anew.
We may hate love,
When tears we show.
Wondering how,
It could hurt so.
But without love,
That heart won’t mend.
For, without love,
There’d be, not a friend.
Love is present,
In all our lives.
It’s between brother and sister,
Binds husband and wife.
Some people may say,
I’ll never find love.
Though they may wish,
On every Dove.
To them I say,
Just wait and see!
Love will find you,
As love found me.

Troy L. 11/25/04


Oh, What tangled webs we weave,
But are they to lie, Are they to deceive?
We weave our lines,
With strokes so sure.
Always confident,
If there's a problem, There's a cure.
Sometimes we weave, our webs so tight,
That against the lines, we always fight.
Sometimes these lines,
Tangle and ensnare.
Dragging us down,
Into sorrow and despair.
But through these tangled webs we made,
And though hope, may start to fade.
A light starts burning,
Bright and strong
Clearing away, all that was wrong.
This light fills me, with the strength of love,
Graceful and free, as the flight of a dove.
This light is my strength, so strong and true,
This light has name.
This light is you.

-Troy Leavitt 01/20/03


Oh, these days how I toil!
To make meets, end to end.
I plan my day, the best I can!
So the hours before me, shall not spoil.
The reward it is, welcome indeed,
For I have hungry, mouths to feed.
Free time? I know not such.
For so rare indeed, I oft not touch.
Long hours from home, my wife I miss!
For here I toil, without her kiss.
As each day shall rise,
And fade away.
Here shall I toil,
Until fate, has it's say.

-Troy Leavitt 08/14/04

My Brother's Donor

August 15, 2002

As I set here at my computer, with these words
blurred by my tears,
My heart is heavy for your family, that has loved
you for so many years.

I had been praying for you, that you would know
Jesus as your Lord,
So when this day finally came, I knew you would
be going to your heavenly reward.

Though I have not and will never meet you here on
earth face to face,
I know one day in heaven I will, because of His
saving grace.

I want to tell you "thank you" from the deepest
part of my heart,
But those words sound so inadequate for your
giving part.

When your life ended here on earth you gave my
brother a new beginning,
But as you are beginning your life in eternity,
you are the one that is truly winning.

Though my brother will still be here on earth,
with all its pains and sorrows,
You will be seeing our precious Lord's face, for
all of our tomorrows.

This most happy time for me comes with so much
mixed feeling,
As I pray for your family who in their time of
grief, are reeling.

I do rejoice for my brothers's second chance at
For the joy I hear in the voice of his wife.

There are not enough words to express the feeling
in my heart, of gratitude to you,
Nor enough words to express sympathy for your
family's sorrow so new.

God told me one morning, "he will live and not
And I knew my God did not lie.

I can only trust God needed you with Him, and
that He knows best,
Knowing I can trust His love and peace; in this,
I can rest.

Written by Carol Fields in honor of her
brother's donor and his family.

Love touches all things.

The Touch of a Memory

A memory travels,
Upon the breeze.
Softly, slowly,
Flitting with ease.
Memories of snow,
And times past.
Of wooded roads,
And days short to last.
A lone figure,
Within the breeze.
Feels the memory,
Just the slightest tease.
Stretching, reaching, trying to recall,
This memory blocked,
By Time's wall.
Through persistence,
The wall gives way.
Leaving the memories,
As clear as day.
The figure stands, upon a hill,
Seeing what, his memories will.
Happiness and sorrow,
Reach out then.
Happy at what is now,
But wondering,
What could have been.

Troy Leavitt 01/20/06

To Serve and Protect

I am a Police Officer

To uphold the laws of my community, county, state,
and this fair country.
To be the voice of those who have been wronged.
To bring to justice those who will violate order
or endanger another.

To endure the suspicion in the eyes of another.
To endure the worried looks and hushed voices.
To endure a constant physical threat of death or
To endure the constant worry of my family and

A piece of metal next to my heart.
The symbol of my position.
My reminder of a promise to uphold.
My protection against moral temptation.

A thank you from a person helped.
A loved one returned to a family.
Another safe day and night for others to enjoy.

I will work that others may sleep safe at night.
I will forgoe holidays so that others may enjoy
I will be away from my family, to ensure the
safety of others.

This is my promise, this is my life.
I am a Police Officer

-Troy Leavitt

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