Other Stuff <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The Rare Items List <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ITEM: NOTES: Books Simple book of machinery...And "Book of Secrets"... Cider Cider, taken from a merchant Coral Piece of coral, found in the cave near Ebot's Rock. Fish Just a fish Fish Fish Fish A yummy fish Fish A rotten fish Lump of Metal A heavy weight, Put it into a chest, and... Old Clock-Key An old clock-key, found on a soldier. Pendant A pendant worn by the girl who pilots the MagiTek Armor Royal Letter At a star-shaped mountain range... Rust-Rid Rust solvent <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> At The Auction House <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> At the auction house in Jidoor you can bid on items. If you go to the Auction House in the World of Balance you can bid on these items: Cherub Down which costs 10000 GP Talking Chocobo which you can't win (although getting it would be awesome.) I actually once went and GOT 1,150,000 GP to try and outbid that old geezer, but it didn't let me get it. Golem which'll cost 20000 GP Cure Ring costs 20000 GP ZoneSeek for 10000 GP. In the World of Ruin the items you can bid on are: 1/1200 of an airship (which you can't win) the Hero Ring which will cost 50000 GP Golem for 20000 GP a Zephyr Cape for 10000 GP an Imp Robot (which you can't win) ZoneSeek which will cost you 10000 GP. The order the items appear seems to be random. If you stay at the Inn I think the Auction House will auction off things you can actually buy. It seemed to work for me. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Bugs and Glitches <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Relm's Sketch bug - this bug is very well-known, I personally find it very annoying. It involves Relm sketching a monster and then the bug occurs. It seems to happen most when sketching large enemies or unusual enemies (Gau, Intangir, etc.), but can occur when sketching normal monsters. The bug may do a number of different things, it may: 1. Reset EVERYTHING (i.e. three empty save slots) 2. Permanently mess up saved games 3. Give your party tons (as many as 255 [it'll say 0]) of different items. Anything from Dirks to Economizers and Gem Boxes. It may have been fixed in later versions of the game. Like the one I rented for years had this one, but the one I borrowed from a friend didn't. Ultros bug- This one is also utilized by Relm's Sketch option. In the scenario where you have to "paint" Ultros's portrait with Relm in the Esper cave, it seems that sometimes sketching his portrait will cause one or all of the following: 1. Locke will be confused. 2. Terra will be turned to stone (but she can still move, she's just gray) 3. Strago dies and can't be restored with Life, Life2 or Fenix Down 4. Strago is a blue shade (but he doesn't die) 5. AFTER the battle, Relm isn't in your party (but she appears in the cut-scenes, this one was strange, and it only happened once) 6. The game freezes when you use any spell. Some more bugs and glitches you can try, I did NOT do any of these myself I actually got them from someone else on the Internet. To glitch the game do one or more of the following: Call Palidor, then Sketch a monster Sketch a vanished Gabbldegak or Dark Wind (these guys work -- other monsters may cause damage to your saved games) Have Gogo sketch the Storm Drgn Have Relm sketch while she is muddled Sketch a Chaos Drgn in the Phoenix Cave - The best way, I have found, to glitch the game is the following method: Bring a party of four, including Relm and Gau, to the Veldt and properly equip them. Have Gau Leap a monster, and wait for him to return. Right after the last monster is destroyed, he will spin around, then say something. Be ready with Relm to Sketch Gau while he spins around, before he can say anything. When the message box disappears, you must tell Relm to Sketch him again. When she Sketches, the game will glitch. This glitch will add these items to your inventory (you have to "Arrange" to see them all): 256 Anitdotes, 2773 Dirks (No joke! I counted!), 256 Swordbreakers, 256 Imperials, 112 Scimitars, 256 Flame Sabres, 256 Magus Rods, 256 Poison Rods, 111 Rainbow Brushes, 256 Iron Helmets, 256 Tao Robes, 178 Power Sashes, 240 AutoCrossbows, 256 Gem Boxes, 256 Zephyr Capes, 28 Tintinabars, 24 Sprint Shoes, and 143 Economizers. Not bad! Also with this glitch, Gau will end up equipped with a Fenix Down as his weapon. I have noticed no side effects to this glitch. - Another sure way to glitch: Take a party (including Relm) to the Triangle Island in the World of Balance. Walk around and you will eventually meet the Intangir. Use the X or Y button to switch members so that nobody does anything until Relm Sketches. After she Sketches, the game usually freezes up. I have, by some luck, managed to escape the battle. The effects were astounding -- I received no extra items in my inventory, but all four of my party members permanently have MagiTek Armor (some can still Fight!). My top member always looks different -- like some character left out of the game. My bottom member (who was Strago) gained the power of Interceptor. There was always a clock stuck on 16:03 in the corner. Some of the enemies looked like M-Tek Armor. However, the game became highly unstable. My game would freeze up at any time during battle, and I couldn't go into any towns without being trapped there forever. - Have Relm, Gau, and two others in your party. Walk around the outside of Jidoor until you encounter 3 Crawlies. Have Gau use the Behemoth rage (Behemoth found on the Floating Continent), and he should cast Meteor. This has to be before you raise a ton of levels, found any characters after strago, and recieved any magicite that teaches you the high level spells. (So you are basically very weak.) Have Relm sketch the far back crawly, and the screen should go weird. Among the spells you have listed are Fire, many times, Hyperdrive, and Quasar. You should also see General Leo in your party. Note from Aerofencer: while this one sounds great, it caused my game to crash! Fortunately, I saved in another slot before I did this, I suggest you do the same. - Try sketching monsters in the Phoenix Cave, such as the Chaos Dragon. Also try sketching the Brainpan, found on the Floating Continent. - If none of these things work, maybe your game is "unglitched", meaning you cannot glitch FF3 with your game pak. They didn't for me~ Aerofencer - If you glitch successfully, any of the following might happen: Character status is slightly changed -- some party members have 9999 HP, some have 0 but are still alive, etc.) Inventory gets screwed up (you might have hundreds of certain items, or no items at all) You get a secret item (there are rumors about "Leaves" and "Flags") Screen flips out (sprites turn into error garbage, blank screen) People shapeshift (Edgar might turn into Leo, Celes into a Moogle, Locke into a merchant) You get wierd spells (multiple spells, Lore spells, and enemy spells) Loss of control (buttons stop working) Plus, other effects - Usually a glitch will only last one battle. After that, the game might freeze up, or your party might die unexplainably. If the glitch lasts, and you got something cool out of it, you're very lucky. Just hope it doesn't erase your games (it's not that common). - In your inventory, there may be items which it appears you have 0 of. Actually, you have 256 of them. And various two-digit numbers usually mean over 100 of an item. It may say "36", but you may really have 136 or 236. Try selling items at the store to see how many you have. You can never have more than 256 of an item in one slot. - Another glitch in the game: When you get Terra back from Zozo, bring her to Narshe. Instead of speaking with the guard, go to the secret door in the rock to the left. The game will freeze up. Convenient no? - Go to Narshe in the World of Ruin and fight some Test Riders. On every attack, have someone cast Vanish, then have Relm Sketch. Once in a while, after several tries, you can get the game to glitch. Run away when you notice glitch effects and you might have some cool items! - When you equip Relm or Strago with the MoogleSuit, he or she will look like a Moogle in combat. This seems like a glitch, but it is normal. The suit just changes the wearer's appearance. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> AND NOW... The Hidden Chocobo Stables <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Well, they aren't THAT secret, but sometimes, in the center of certain 9x9 squares of forest, you can find a Chocobo stables, of course, some are in different shaped forests, but you get the idea. In the World of Balance these hidden stables are located: -In the forest east of Tzen -In the forest southeast of Maranda -In the forest west of original location of Figaro Castle -In the forest noth of Kohlingen In the World of Ruin these hidden stables are located: -In the forest south of Mobliz -In the forest south of Colesseum -In the forest south of Phoenix Cave <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Near Death Attacks <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Ok, I'll admit, I got this one off the Internet, I've seen most of them, but I didn't know until now what the others were. When a character gets low on hps (they kneel down in battle) there is a possibility (1 in 20 chance) that they will do a special attack that does massive damage. The attacks are done by using the FIGHT command while hps are low (and then only at random). The attacks are: CHARACTER: NAME OF ATTACK: DESCRIPTION OF ATTACK: Terra Riot Blade Throws rings at enemies Locke Mirager Quickly dashes in for the kill Edgar Royal Shook Flash of light Sabin Tiger Break Drop kick Celes Spin Edge Chainsaw-like attack with sword Shadow Shadow Fang Hops on and slashes the enemy Cyan Back Blade Screen goes black while he attacks Setzer Red Card Throws 3 sets of cards in a row Mog Moogle Rush Looks like Pummel Strago Sabre Soul Flash of light as he jumps at enemy Relm Star Prism Stars surround enemy Gogo X-Meteor A giant meteor strikes enemy NOTE: Gau and Umaro don't have a near death attack because they don't have a FIGHT command. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Shadow's Dreams... <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Well, according to the big cheeses at SquareSoft, Shadow has seven dreams. Of course I don't know anybody (including myself I'm afraid) That knows what these dreams are or how to quickly access them (besides sleeping at the Colesseum forever and ever...) But I do know that you can see dreams 1-4 in the World of Balance, if you sleep at the inn in Kohlingen a few times. I heard that there is about a 1-4 chance of seeing the first four sequences. The fifth dream (I'm assuming) occures when you get Shadow in the World Of Ruin. The other two, I guess have to be seen in the World of Ruin when you sleep in the Colesseum, Kohlingen, or possibly Thamasa. Some people claim you can see his dreams in any town, but I've only seen them in the Colesseum and Kohlingen. I don't know why that is. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Why you should get Ragnarok the Esper Instead of the Sword <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Ok, ok, you may get a lot of "I don't know whether you should get the Esper Ragnarok in Narshe or make it into a sword!" from some certain people who don't know any better. But I'm telling you now, KEEP the Esper. You can use Metamorph to get some of the greatest items in the game for the price of a little time off your hands (the success rate of Metamorph is about the same as Doom without Vanish) and you can only use it once per battle, but the effects are phenominal! Ok, so you may be saying that I'm an idiot because all you EVER get is Tonic and Dried Meat, well, for all you Aerofencer-knockers out there I compiled a good list of monsters that you can metamorph into usefull trinkets, so, with- out further ado, here's the reason why you should get Ragnarok the Esper instead of the Sword. NOTE: to disprove some rumors, you cannot Vanish an enemy and succesfully Metamorph them. Some nut was once succesful in doing this (it turned out to be a coincidence) and claimed you could. But you can't, so here's the list: Monster: Metamorphed into: Tap Dancer Marvel Shoes Dahling Ribbon Woolly Safety Bit Borras Ogre Nix Mag Roader(big,yellow) Gold Lance, Gold Shld Covert Trump ProtoArmor Crystal Shld, Crystal Mail Balloon Flame Shld SrBehemoth Thornlet, Cursed Ring, Relic Ring M-TekArmor Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, MithrilBlade, Heavy Shld Rider Gold Helmet, Gold Lance HadesGigas Ogre Nix Chaser Mithril Mail Bomb Flame Shld Spit Fire Gold Helmet Ninja Assassin, Striker Intangir Megalixir Cruller Elixir Mag Roader(small,brown) Mithril Mail Pipsqueak Mithril Helm, Mithril Blade Rhyos Ice Shield HeavyArmor Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade Barb-e Ribbon Harpy Exp. Egg Spek-Tor Tintinabar L.80 Magic Ribbon L.90 Magic Ribbon Now that you have the facts, decide for yourself! I can't make the decision for you!