On Oprah :
-After they perform "MMMBop", Zac says, "That’s how you do it." I have no idea why.
-When they stand up to shakes those girls’ hands the second time, Isaac’s microphone pack falls. He catches it, then puts it back on his pants.
-Tay’s boxers are showing sometimes. You can see them when he is shaking those girls’ hands. (I think they’re green.)
-When Oprah is reading that girl’s letter, she emphasizes the "Please, I beg you" part. You can barely hear Taylor say, "That’s not funny. You’re embarrassing her." Then Oprah says, "She wrote the letter and you’re talking about embarrassment?!"

miscelanious :
-Zac's grown A LOT!
-It looks like Taylor's taller than Isaac!
-Zac barely ever sings the lead part.
-In "I Will Come To You" between 'soul' & 'dying' you can hear Taylor's lisp.

-There are two versions of the "MMMBop" video.
-On the"MMMBop" video, Taylor mouths an extra 'oh' in the part"...you say you can but you don't know...".
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