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Elton's Words of Advice


If you are a sound system fanatic and is or is thinking of going into competition events, then here are some tips for you to help you out at a competition.

(1.) Don't get discouraged easily, your competition days will get better, your new at it so you've got alot to learn.

(2.) If you can get your score sheet after the show to findout your good and bad points of your system. From there you can start working on fixing your bad points, turning them into good points!

(3.) The contestant registration will have questions for you, so get the information ahead of time. The form will usually ask you for a complete description of your system including the make and modelof all installed mobile electronic equipment(such as audio, security, wiring, and all other accessories) They will also want to know the specifications of any amplifiers in your system including the head unit.

(4.) A full variety of pictures that show your sound system. If you instal your system take pictures. If someone else instal your system ask if they will take picturesas they work. Some things about your special system may not be able to see by the naked eye, these pictures will come in very handy.

(5.) All systems are judged on installation quality, sound quality, and real time analysis, or RTA.

(A.) When the installation quality judge comes to you and you vehicle, you will be given five minutes to explain the system. Talk about the installation, components, the brands you used, why you use those certain brands, and anything else you feel important for him/her to know.Be creative he or she will look for that, three words for ya, Creative, Craftsmenship, Detail. Remember these while you build you system.

(B.) The Sound quality judge uses sonic reference to judge you system. He or she will be listening to tonal accuracy and separate balance, sounstage and ambience, and staging and linearity. You and the judge will sit in your vehicle and listen to what they are listening to. The judge may talk during this time, then again maybe they won't. Whatever heor she has to say, don't argue with then. If it's hot out, try to get the cab interior of your ride at a nice relaxing temperature before the judge gets there.

(C.) Finally your vehicle will arrive at the RTA part of the event. At this time, a microphone is placed at about the same position as the driver head. Pink Noise(sound like radio static but has a balanced frequency content) will be played through your system, and the output will read on a 1/3 octave meter.

(6.) Always be consierate of others, easy on the swears, be polite, and be sportsman like. Always be on time, being ahead of time won't kill you either. And do your detailing ahead of time, there's always something for you to do on the day of the event.

Remember these guidlines when attending your next event and you should do very well with the judges.