16 Magazine
Nov 1990 Issue, pages 18 - 20

New Kids Step By Step Diary!

By 16 Editorial Staff Member

Musical Director-Bass Player David Dyson Fills You In On The NKOTB Rehearsals At Lake Placid, NY, Their New Show -- And He Answers All Of Your Questions About The Kids' Step By Step LP!!!!

16: So what have you all been doing in Lake Placid, David?
David :
I've been rehearsing the band with the new stage and everything.

16: What's it look like?
It's a pretty futuristic looking set. The lighting show is going to be happening! It's big time! The call it the Magic Summer tour. There's gonna be a lot of magic tricks out there too.

16: Any you can talk about?
Danny told me about a lot of them yesterday, but I can't tell.

16: The new show is primarily what? A combination of tunes from all the albums?
Mostly a combination of tunes from Hangin' Tough and Step By Step . . . Hangin' Tough was the most successful album and the new album sold one million copies the first day it was out! I was telling Danny I estimate that by the end of this year it would have sold about twelve million. He seemed shocked about that. 'You think so?' he said. I said 'Yeah. Easy, man. I think so.' He said, 'You mean in the world or just in the United States?' I said, 'Just the United States!'

16: Danny looked wonderful at the Kiss 108 anniversary concert at Great Woods, Mass. He was dancing and carrying on as if nothing was wrong with his ankle.
The therapy helped him out a lot. 'Course I was surprised that he could walk on it. It was a bad sprain. But he's all set now.

16: You've probably had to work on the new songs from Step By Step while you're in Lake Placid.
Well, not really, because before Europe, I started rehearsing a lot of the new tunes with the band, so we already knew like four or five tunes off the new album. And then in Europe we rehearsed a couple more. After we came back from Europe we had like six tunes down already, so basically on our break all we had to do was five more and that was easy.

16: The band is basically the same or are you adding on musicians?
No, it's the same band. Rob Sachs on guitar, Yasko Kubota on keyboards, Kevin Antunes on keyboards and Derek Antunes on drums (Kevin and Derek are brothers), and then there's me. I'm the bass player and the musical director..

16: Do you all sing back-up vocals for New Kids?
Yup, we sure do. Not all of them. It depends on what tune it is If they want a fuller sound. 'Cause they're running around and everything. They have all new steps for this tour too. It's just a matter of being out of breath and being able to sing backgrounds at the same time, so that's why we're helping out with that . . . One tune we were working on the other day. We're backing up Jordan and he's gonna be dancing and he'll be away from the mic. We're gonna be singing one of the parts that he does, me and the drummer.

16: Are the boys staying in the same hotel as you David?
You know, I'm not even sure because we had to change hotels. The only ones I saw yesterday were Danny and Joe really, 'cause we went to see the first showing of the movie Dick Tracy last night. The midnight show . . . Basically it was like a big group. I think I saw Jordan. I'm not sure. But we all sat in different places.

16: When you all get together and decide to go to a movie like that, how does it happen?
David :
Yesterday, Danny came by and he was messing with us. See, we like this hockey game. We were kind of hungry afterwards, so we went to this restaurant. We're trying a new restarant each day . . . We ate dinner with them and thats when we decided we wanted to go to the movies after or at least get our tickets, which was a t-shirt. That was our admission . . . You had to wear it in order to get in. Danny said, 'Oh, Dick Tracy is showing tonight? You all are going?' I said, 'Yup!' So he figured he would go.

16: Is there time for Danny to go to the gym? Have the motorcycles come out?
David :
Oh, yeah!

16: Have you all found a gym to work out in?
David :
The last hotel we were in had a little spa. It was all right, but there's one health and racquetball club right around the corner and I'm definitely gonna venture over there.

16: Is any one of the boys fiestier than the others during rehearsals?
David :
That could be a problem sometimes, because they love playing the instruments and basically I have to say, 'Come on, man. We gotta get down to business.' We just do it. No, they don't give me any trouble during rehearsals. It's just that we usually collaborate on ideas a lot . . . The ideas are always flowing during rehearsal. It's usually Jordan and Donnie who are the ones with all the ideas.

16: David, can you answer fans' questions about Step By Step , song by song?
David :
Sure. Why don't we start with "Step By Step!" Jordan sings lead vocal on that, but everybody gets in on it. Danny does Step One; Donnie, Step Two; Jordan sings Step Three; Joe Step Four and Jon, Step Five.

"Tonight" is sung by Jordan and so is "Baby I Believe In You." "Call It What You Want" starts off with Danny. Jordan does the lead and Donnie and Joe sing too. Jordan says, "I must admit I want you too," in the song and Donnie says, "It's so groovy." Joe's the one who says "I can feel it."

"Let's Try It Again" is Danny and Jordan. Danny does most of it with Jordan doing the falsetto and chorus. "Games" has a Donnie rap in the middle with some interesting expressions fans might want to know about. He says things like "Frontin' on the Beantown posse." That sor of means sending negative vibes their way, 'cause you know New Kids On The Block have gotten a lot of negative vibes from some critics and some of their fans' boyfriends!

Then there's "Jockin me." That means you like something, but you act like you don't like it. You're jealous. Donnie also says things like "Talkin' skee" and "Rockin' gee" and that's just a way of addressing a person, friend or foe. Kinda like, what's happening. Joe!?!

"Time Is On Our Side" is done by Donnie. "Where Do I Go From Here?" is one of Joe's two songs. He also sings the verses on "Funny Feeling", while Jordan does the chorus. "Stay With Me Baby" is Donnie's reggae number. He loves that kind of music! "Never Gonna Fall In Love Again" is Danny and he sings the whole tune and also says "Break One" and "Break Two." Donnies the one who does the rap on that tune too.

16: What are the boys' favorite tunes?
David :
Jordan and Danny love "Valentine Girl," which was supposed to be on the album but wound up a B-side of the single, "Step By Step." You know when Danny hurt his foot in England, the guys loved that song so much, Joe did Danny's part and they kept the song in the show.

Also, I remember last summer at Disney World, Jordan was foolng around backstage with "Let's Try It Again." He likes that song a lot and he's said it's because he thinks he sounds like one of the Stylistics when he sings it!