16 Magazine
Aug 1990 Issue, pages 54 - 55

Band Member DAVID,
Sharing the Music And The Fun!

By 16 Editorial Staff Member

16: Hi David -- what instrument do you play in the New Kids band?
I'm the bass player and also the musical director.

16: How long have you been with the Kids?
I've been with them a year and a half now. It's funny, the first day of rehearsal was the first time I ever met them, or even heard of them!

16: You'd never heard of New Kids On The Block before?
No, but it didn't take long to form a relationship with them -- now, we're all really good friends.

16: What's it like up there on stage with the Kids?
Every night is different -- their show is very spontaneous. Their "skits" are always changing and our grooves are always changing.

16: Which Kid is the most spontaneous onstage?
Definitely Donnie -- he's the craziest. He likes it the wildest onstage -- he also likes to make the most contact with the fans when he's onstage.

16: What about Joe -- he seems pretty crazy onstage too.?
Joe's the one who always picks us up if we're tired or just not with it. He'll just come onstage and do something so totally unexpected, it gets us all going. Like he'll fake a fall during "Hangin' Tough," or come out with his hair all wet or something like that.

16: Are there any inside jokes going on that the audience doesn't realize?
Always. Like right now we have this thing going, we challenge each other in video games. Joe and I are in the middle of a hockey game and he'll signal me onstage and rub it in that he's beating me or something. We also challenge each other in video baseball and boxing so onstage, you might see Joe turn to me and pretend to swing a bat, or put up his boxing dukes -- that's just to needle me.

16: Sounds like you spend the most time with Joe off-stage.?
Not really. Like I'll go with Danny to work out when we're on the road -- he's really inspired me to get in shape -- or I'll go to a mall with Donnie or Jonathan.

16: What's the funniest thing that every happened onstage?
There have been so many funny things. I guess for me the funniest -- although it didn't seem like it at the time -- was when by mistake I was late for a show. I was just out playing video games and I lost track of time. I think my watch was in another time zone. I remember I came back to the venue and went to call my sister -- I was on the phone backstage when I suddenly hear the announcer start the show. Everyone was up there except me! I was in my 'beast' clothes -- didn't even change -- and I ran up there as fast as I could. Well, all the Kids started laughing and pointing at me. I don't know if the audience ever knew why.