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Muslim Culture

Islam is a complete way of life. It is a political, social, economic, educational, and judicial system (Saal). Islam is very much law-oriented rather than theology-oriented and much emphasis is put on external forms such as actions. There are also different levels of influence of Islamic religion on individual’s lives. For some, secularism and materialism are greater influences, and the Islamic religion is only used for social and cultural identity (Saal).

For most Muslims, the sociological rather than theological barriers are the most difficult to cross in conversion. The message of Christian salvation also needs to be in the Muslim’s cultural context to have significance. Thus the Muslim culture will be presented here. These features of Muslim culture are affected by Islam and/or are novel to Westerners: honor, family solidarity, hospitality, female “inferiority”, and time.

Honor. In Islamic culture, honor is created by protection of and behavior towards kinsmen (Matheny). Keeping the family honor is of utmost importance. Leaving the Islamic faith for another religion is a great blow to honor. The value of honor makes it extremely difficult for conversion of a single Muslim surrounded by Muslim family and friends. Any injury to a person’s, family’s, community’s, or religion’s honor needs to be revenged or else the dishonor is permanent. This accounts for the true stories of family killing and threatening Muslim converts to Christianity even if it were a close family member. The children must uphold the family’s honor. Muslim families in Western cultures often put females into single-sex schools in order to protect them from the West’s immoral men. An even greater danger to honor is boys in the West defying authority. The family affects honor so deeply because of family solidarity.

Family Solidarity. Interrelatedness is valued much more that independence in Muslim Culture. The family of Muslims includes the extended family. Large families are seen as a blessing. Each son brings home his wife, and each daughter leaves her family’s home to live with the family of her husband. These marriages are traditionally arranged by the parents, which seem to work well. There is a much lower divorce rate in Muslim cultures. It is an enormous step to become a public follower of Christ with severe opposition from the family. The head of the household is held in high respect, and he has the final say in all decisions.

Hospitality. Knowledge of Muslim hospitality is very important for building friendships with Muslims. It is important to stop by one’s Muslim friends’ houses every once in a while. Just be prepared to stay awhile. Muslims will go to great extents and sacrifice in order to be or appear to be a good host. Any visitors are not allowed to leave before being offered food or drink. Muslims will insist, and refusal to stay is an insult. The meal is the highlight of the evening and a surplus of food is necessary. A guest should not arrive too early, or else he/she may be just left waiting for the meal to be prepared. Also to leave right after the meal is customary.

During the visit as well most other times, the sexes are segregated. It is seen as immoral to have friends of the opposite sex. Shaking hands, sitting next to, and looking into the eyes of the opposite sex are not approved of. One should only visit when there are members of one’s own sex in the house, and it is best for married couples to visit married couples.

If one is entertaining Muslim guests, one should not include any pig, alcohol, and shellfish along with any of their byproducts in cooking and from serving. Pigs are seen as extremely unclean animals. Another matter of cleanliness is using the correct hand. For any preparing, serving, and eating, use the right hand, which is viewed at the clean hand.

Female “Inferiority”. The men and women in Islamic cultures have separate roles. The man is the head of the household and the decision maker, whereas the woman is the homemaker and the bearer and the nurturer of the children. These restrictions on Muslim women are not really seen as underprivileged but more as protection. Islamic cultures have conservative and modest clothes. Women wear loose fitting clothes that go below the knees and elbows. The more traditional Muslim women wear veil, and these sometimes cover the whole body down to the ankles. A whole revolution needs to take place before opposition of this part of the culture will aid the lone missionary or convert.

Time. Life is more leisurely in the countries of Muslims. Time is not nearly as important as the event, people, and relationships. Efficiency is not highly valued like in the Western culture. Several meetings of acquaintance before business or serious issues can be dealt with, and deadlines are not of much importance.

If unsure of what to do in regard to Muslim culture, it is best to ask. It is better to ask than end up in situations that would compromise one’s faith by sending the wrong impression to the Muslim friend.

Some Muslims are “modernized”. These modernized Muslims do not follow most or some of the traditional culture. Muslims transitioning between the traditional and the modern culture are very fertile fields for evangelism. Their mind, which is in a state of transition, can more easily make the transition to Christianity.

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