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Darias Speech at the cafe: Where the future takes us As students standing at the dawn of a brand new century, we face certain choices. How do we prepare for the future? Melody Powers knew how she was going to prepare, as she checked the fit on her tooled leather shoulder holster. She thought about all the communists she would be taking out tonight. Melody harboured no illusions about unilaterally stemming the resurging red tide, but, she reflected with a grim smile, what special agent could resist the opportunity to fill a few Bolshevik cemeteries As Melody sun-bathed on the Rio beach she looked back over the last few days with a certain quiet satisfaction. Twelve dead Russians; five dead Chinese, and three or four dead Cubans. The world was once again safe for democracy she reflected, while watching Tonio's exquisite chest rise and fall with his light snoring. Safe for democracy, or almost safe. Melody brushed some errant grains of sand from her fingers, tied her top back on and reached into her beach bag, Tonio heard nothing ,and that was a pity, because he would never hear anything again. So long Tonio, she thought as she calmly stood up. I could have loved you if you weren't as red as the blood stain now spreading across the sand. Melody walked calmly away to the hotel. There would be a message there from HQ, no doubt. She hoped she had time to shower. The Daria Theme Song la la la la la This is my stop Got to get off I may go pop Excuse me Excuse me I've got to be direct la la la If I'm off, please correct la la la You're standing on my neck la la la You're standing on my neck la la la You're standing on my neck la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la
Mystic Spiral's songs
Ice-box Woman
You're an angel in black, you sure have the knack, of putting my heart on the shelf in the back. I'm waiting my turn Oh! when will I learn? My poor heart, you're giving it freezer-burn! Yah! Behind My Eyelids As lashes close I see my woes Spread out like a carpet of bugs In absence of light Pass visions of night And shallow graves left halfway dug Behind my eyelids Is a world you cannot see A place that's just for me Behind my eyelids You watch a tear It trickles clear And glistens on my skin My liquid pain Oh, would profane Please baby, let me in. Repeat chorus
From the Futon There's no place to hide things Under the bed And nowhere to hide from what's true Down here by the floor My soul calls out "More!" But knows that its cry won't get through From the futon From the futon Everthing, always so low From the futon From the futon I'm in limbo - how low can I go? I don't have a headboard Or boxspring of wire My spirit's hit low altitude The mattress is thin It's itching my skin And that isn't helping my mood From the futon From the futon Everthing, always so low From the futon From the futon I'm in limbo - how low can I go? Hansel and Gretel: Daria Version So, the witch tore Hansel's arm off, popped it in her mouth, said "Hey, pretty good!", and within minutes had devoured the rest of his body, leaving only the small intestine for fear of bacteria. Gretel she decided to hold on to for a little while, so she crammed her into the freezer as best she could. Academic Imprisonment No light shines through these four brick walls. For the school is my prison, and its teachers my imprisoners. Like a hamster on one of those wheel things, school runs us around and around until we yearn for the food pellet. But only more homework awaits. Do we not have lives of our own to lead, with vital decisions we must make every day concerning hair, clothes, socks, shoes... and the list goes on! And with all the decisions we have to make on these topics that I list, so then have our brains been cruelly crowded with such things as the square root of some stupid adverb. This is one stress too much. Does the torture never stop? Until home, anyway. So go ahead, lock me up with your homework and your tests! Rob my freedom with your reading and your thinking! As far as I'm concerned, the only difference between school and prison is the wardrobe. Or do you want to take away my outfits, too? The End.
