~¤ GrrLiE'z PaGe ¤~


My page.. i'm gettin a bit better at this stuff..i am slowly making muh page a better place to be *S* Well my name is Jen i am 15 ..Yes ..I talk about my bf lots cuz i love him and miss him so much!! But if it gets annoying just tell me to shut up *S* My fav bands are NiN , Propagandhi , Nirvana and Sublime..My fav colors are Black and Purple i want a metallic purple car *s*..Umm..about me..My best friends are Shelly , Hope , Ashley and Lee..i love them all to death and i know they'll always be there for me *s* My b'day is October 9th ..i share it with 4 people i know including my older sister *S* so its not a very fun b'day ..but thats ok *s* Umm..if u wanna know what i look like just look at the pix at the bottom i am actually getting new ones on quite often now *s* Umm...I love to talk and try to help people with there problems...i am a great listener and when u get me really hyper i can be pretty damn funny *s* I can be pretty moody but only if something is upsetting me . I love to dance..and sing those two things keep me pretty occupied when i'm alone hehe ..I like to do hair n makeup and am good at it ..i dunno how i got like that i hardly ever do my hair and makeup but when i do it looks kewl ..i usually do other peoples tho... I love pictures and video taping .. drawing and lotsa other stuff...
i've also got this obsession with vampires they are so amazing and the guys are pretty good looking *s* hehe Oh another thing i'm a people lover i love people ..i can't handle being alone unless i'm upset...besides that i love to be with lotsa people *s* K well that is it i'll shut up now hehe...SIGN MUH BOOKIE!! *s* PWEEZE and go look at the PIXx
PiXx of Me

Muh Friends

Just words...

icq #= 54056149

Muh GueStBooK

Email: sweetgrrl1415@yahoo.com