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searching for self

ongoing updates of course. wander and ponder around. please sign the guestbook.

last updated: 20 march 2002 (updated: which muppet are you)

me ~ leaving? ~ say say ~ my day ~ writings
this is awesome ~ the cool ones ~ 80s child ~ the highwayman ~ of some substance

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

Friend Bear
You are everyone's ideal friend because you are sincere and genuinely kind. Sometimes you worry about your friends' problems so much, you forget about your own responsibilities, which can get you into trouble. For you, it's the little things that really count. You also happen to be the main driver of the Cloud Car. No speeding!

..on your way out..
