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It's Cj Time

As my first page ever made this is a glimse into my prehistoric life. To get a little more info on me and see my second try scroll down to the links below and click on Page 2. Laters!~
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Wish List

  • To see all my friends happy and living their lives to the fullest and for God.
  • To live for God to the fullest extent and never regret a day in my life!
  • To Have a music degree and teach the hearing impaired to play musical instruments. Also to someday have my music heared and or to perform!
  • To have a happy and healthy future!

My Favorite Links

Page 2 of my home page!
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
My friend Kristi's Page
Negaunee High School Orchestra page. Its Cool cause I was in it
NMU's Homepage
My Youth Group's Page
My friend Susie's Page
