Howdy! And yes, I do realise the irony of having a dog run around "Cat's place". So sue me

Well well well. What do u know? This page (well... at least this first page!) is getting a slight revamp. Look Dreztke, if you want to see improvements on this site, then TELL me what you want on here! I'm not a mind reader! Sheesh!

Add your own

If you want to see our Muck Up Day 2002 plans, just click here.

For my new DARIA section, just click here

For my NEW section of submitted jokes, click here

To submit a joke, just e-mail me at:

Take this quiz to see exactly how well you know me! It might be stupid, but hey, since I put in the time and effort to make it, the least someone could do would be to take it! Please???

If you want to learn more (which I'm sure you don't) then click here. Updated!!! July 11th, 2000. I've added a couple of questions to the end of it. I updated like one of the questions that was already there. Please people... e-mail me with your comments or with question suggestions! I'm desperate here!

To get a more detailed description of me and to gauge how I will react to certain situations, visit this page here. It just about sums me up *grins*

To find out more about my friends, click here. Updated!!! June 27th, 2000.

To see a bunch of questionaires my friends filled out about themselves (similar to my 'about me' section), then click here

To view a list of the people I WORSHIP!!! Click here

To go to my humour section, click here.Updated!!! 3rd July, 2000. New sections. Dirty Joke section now has more jokes!

To go to the brand new photo section (updates coming soon!), click here

If you're already tired of this page, click here to visit a few links.

Please sign My Guestbook Please! I'm begging you! Even if you've already signed it before. I LOVE messages!

I just thought I'd chuck in a photo of my beautiful cat. So here she is. Ain't she cute?? :)

E-mail me please by clicking on the mailbox