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Exercises on Adjective Clauses


Directions: underline the adjective clauses. Add or delete commas as necessary.


1. The table at which we usually sit has been taken.


2. Doctor Smith, who recently moved to Florida, won the lottery.


3. Professor Jones, whom we admire greatly, is retiring this year.


4. Bring the box that has the green writing on it.


5. This is the last of the money I brought with me.


6. Traveling with someone who has a zest for life is rewarding.


7. You need to buy the one that has the most vibrant colors.


8. Is this the problem that gave you trouble?


9. The boy whose dog is lost is crying.


10. The chair that I left in the middle of the floor caused the accident.


11. The boy who won first prize humbly accepted the trophy.


12. The grapes which we picked last week are moldy.


13. The hotel we wanted to stay in is closed for renovations.


14. Our car has been in the shop for two weeks which has been quite a problem for us.


15. The student who masters clauses will master writing, also.


16. Pizza is a lunch that is easily prepared.


17. Pictures that make you smile are good to have hanging in your room.


18. The winning goal was scored by someone whom I don’t know.


19. After supper, which will be sometime around seven, we will open the presents.


20. The hot water bottle perched on her head was starting to leak.