Honors English 11 Honors English 11
Michael Altman, instructor
The Writing Tree--Writing and Grammar Help

Honors English 11

Welcome class of 2023!

Summer Assignment 2021-2022

Current Assignment

Standard American Format

Elements of Style--the best writing guide

Prepositional Phrase Song

14 Etymology Words


Current Bits of Information
Research (full-text articles)
Literary Criticism
Writing Help
News Sources/Opinions (Left and Right)
Greek Theater links
Dickens Links
SAT Vocabulary Practice
Etymology links

Literary Criticism

Elements of Fiction
Critical Approaches
M.H. Abrams' Four Types of Criticism

Current bits of information

Federal Reps

Your representative in the US House District 14
One of your US Senators
the other US Senator

State Reps

PA House for Munhall and Homestead District 35
PA House for West Homestead District 51
PA Senate District 43

County Council

Your County Council Rep District 11

Borough Councils

Your Munhall Council
Your Homestead Council
Your West Homestead Council

School Board

Your Steel Valley School Board

What they will learn.com--ratings for college core courses (Yale gets an "F")
US Constitution--Be unlike most Americans: read it.


Using Sources in a Research paper--How to incorporate quotes, paraphrases, and summaries
Internet Public Library (IPA)--Good starting point

News Sources from the Left and Right

Liberal News Sources

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review--Local liberal view
NY TImes--Op-Ed Page
The New Republic--Far-left view
Washington Post--Op-Ed Page
Huffington Post--Blog
Daily KOS--Blog
The Guardian (UK--Liberal British Views on American affairs
The Independent (UK)-Liberal British Views on American affairs

Conservative News Sources

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette--Local slightly conservative view
The Heritage Foundation
Washington Times--Op-Ed Page
Conservative Review--Magazine
National Review--Magazine
American Spectator--Magazine
PJ Media--Christian conservative view
Mark Steyn Online-- conservative writer
Financial Times (UK)--Conservative British Views on American affairs
Daily Telegraph (UK)--Conservative British Views on American affairs

Political Think Tanks

Brookings Institute
Cato Institute

Helpful links for Writing

The Writing Tree--Writing and Grammar Help
Rhetorical Terms-- speak and write better with these examples
Logical Fallacies

Helpful links for Greek Literature

Aristotle's Poetics-- summary, terms, and helpful info
Greek Theater-- useful articles about Greek theater and playwrights

Helpful link for Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens Page--Links to the Victorian Web (19th Cent. Literature) and all things Dickens

Helpful links for SAT PREP

SAT Vocabulary Words--Vocabulary for class, sentence completion practice, more

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