Latin Bases Meaning English derivatives
Alien of another alienation
Apt to fit aptitude, inept
Art art, skill artifact
Ced, Cess to go, yield concede, precede, excess
Duct to lead induce, reduction
Fact [Fect][Fic] to make factory, manufacture, affect, efficient
Fin end, limit definite, final
Firm firm, strong firmament, confirm
Fort strong forte, comfort
Grand great grandeur
Grav [Griev] heavy grave, grievance, grief
Judic judgment judicial, adjudicate
Lev light (in weight), lift levity, elevate
Line [Lign] line align
Loqu, Locut to speak colloquial, elocution
Lud, Lus to play, mock interlude, delude, illusion
Nihil nothing annihilate, nihilism
Nul nothing annul
Part part depart
Prec to reqest, beg, prayer imprecate, precarious
Sacr holy sacrament, sacred
Sed [Sid] to sit sedentary, supersede
Trud, Trus to push, thrust protrude, intrusion
Ven, Vent to come intervene, avenue, invention
Verb word adverb, verbatim, proverb
Vest garment vestment
Latin Prefixes Meaning English derivatives
ab, a, abs away from abduct, abnormal (never assimilated
ad, ac to, toward adopt, admire
ambi both, around ambidextrous
circum around circumscribe
con, com, co with, together connect, conduct,compose, correspond
contra, contro, counter against contradict, controversy, counteract
de down, off, thoroughly descend, dejected
dis, di, dif apart, not dispute, disable