Honors English 11 Summer Assignment 2015-2016

Questions: maltman@steelvalleysd.org  Web: mraltman.com


Consult The Writing Tree (thewritingtree.org) or other grammar and usage sources as needed for the following items.


An Honors English 11 student should be able toÉ

1. Name 30 prepositions.  Construct a sentence with a prepositional phrase used as an adjective and a second sentence with a prepositional phrase used as an adverb.  What is the comma rule for introductory prepositional phrases? 

2. List the adjective questions.  Understand the different forms of adjectives (present and past participles, prepositional phrases, infinitives, adjective clauses). 

3. List the adverb questions. Understand the different forms of adverbs (prepositional phrases, infinitives, adverb clauses). 

4. Know the definition, the formation of the possessive, and the uses of a noun (subject, object, predicate nominative).  Understand the different types of nouns (infinitives, gerunds, noun clauses). 

5. List the different types of pronouns.  List the three cases of personal pronouns and the uses for each case (nominative, objective, possessive).  Understand agreement between pronoun and antecedent.

6. List the different types of conjunctions.  Understand the punctuation rules with coordinating conjunctions.

7. List the principle parts of a verb. Explain how the principle parts are used to form the twelve verb tenses.  Explain the relationship between verb tenses (e.g., when writing in the present tense narrative frame, use the present perfect tense for past action). 

8. List the four uses of the verb Òto be.Ó

9.  Identify and form the four sentence types: simple, compound, complex, compound complex. 

10. Identify and use verbals (gerunds, participles, infinitives).

11. Identify and use clauses (noun, adjective, adverb).

12. List and use the twelve comma rules.


Consult reference sources as needed for the following items.


An Honors English 11 student should know the dates for these historical itemsÉ

1. the Classical Greek period

2. the Pax Romana

3. the fall of Rome

4. Charlemagne

5. the Magna Carta

6. the Black Death

7. fall of Byzantium

8. Martin LutherÕs 95 theses

9. the Jamestown colony

10. the American and French revolutions

11. the industrial revolution

12. publication of The Communist Manifesto

13. publication of The Origin of Species


Know the following literary periods with representative authors and works from each period É

1. The Renaissance

2. Enlightenment (Neo-classical)

3. Romantic (American Transcendental Period)

4. Victorian

5. Realism

6. Naturalism