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Sarah's Pet Club Home Page

Looking to learn about hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, chickens or ducks maybe you will find it here. Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm 11 years old. Under each picture you can find imformation about the different types of animals and fowl we have in our pet club .The members meet together about once a month to discuss what will be done for the club and pets . We work together on different jobs that must be done to keep the pets healthy and happy.Under each picture are some of our thoughts and ideas on taking care of your pets. I hope you like my web site, and hope you have good luck with your pets.



This is the cage I prefer. I had learned that the plastic cages with the tubes, and the plastic tops are not very good because hamsters are good escape artist and get out easily. I prefer the glass tanks with the screen covers.A 10 gallon tank is good for two or less hamsters. And if you keep one hamster in by it's self, it will get lonely. But if you are going to put two hamsters in the same cage it might be good if they are from the same litter. And remember do not put two boy hamsters in the same cage together or they will fight and kill each other, SO PLEASE, do not put two male hamsters together.


This is my pet rooster, his name is Baby. one of our hens hatched two eggs and on the third day there was one egg to hard for the chick to break out of the shell. We thought it was not going to live so we put a lamp over the chick and it lived. It would follow me all the time. it was so cute. I still love him even though he is a real brat.

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