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A warrior’s early years are spent in training, where he/she learns how to bond and gains knowledge on various fighting techniques. They find their center and balance. When the preliminary training is finished, the warrior is given his/her own sword and travels around Laterre to find which area they choose to defend and find a bondmate. *(Note: you can only have a bondmate from the area you are defending ex: you may not live in the forest and have a dragon bondmate because dragons live primarily in the mountains) After this the warrior will continue at least three years of training with his/her bondmate.
Warrior Training


It is very common for a civilian not to have a bondmate, but some do. A civilian’s training is usually in the occupation of choice and other basic teachings. Civilians can choose to be teachers, trainers, farmers, hunters, or store clerks, generally any job you find on earth that doesn’t involve advanced technology. Also keep in mind that a civilian is not necessarily human, so a centaur can work pulling carts etc. Use your imagination think of a job suitable to your species.


There are six counsel members which make up the Coeur, each a representative from the six regions of Laterre. Including the queen, Raya, the entire Coeur makes seven. The six regions are:

Sky:Belonging to weather, climate, and winds.

Forest:Maintaining both the woodlands and rainforests.

Alpine:The mountainous regions and cold tundra.

Marshes/Fresh water:Controlling daming, regulating flow and maintaining water cleaness.

Savanna/Plains:The open country seeing to the grasses, health of crops and bugs.

Desert:the land of golden sands, regulates water, soil, and dunes.

Each counsel member relays information to the queen in person or through one of his/her messengers or courtiers. Courtiers are like the counsel’s counsel, each one looks after a small portion of the land that is under the control of the counsel member and gives the counsel member information as to what is happening in the region. Near a counsel member’s death, he or she chooses someone to take his/her place in the counsel. Sometimes a counsel member will take an apprentice to take his/her place upon death. Other than that there is not much training, only the one chosen to take the place of the other must go through a ceremony to find a bondmate like warriors.

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