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Alanrian Year

A year in Alanria is equal to one Earth year. There are 375 days, but only 10 months each with 37 days. There is also an extra 5 day period at the end of the year which is spent preparing for the Dark Night festival. (Does this sound familiar to you or is it just me?)The begining of the year is also different from the beginning of an Earth year. an Alanrian year begins in Alvana(summer). The seasons go in this order (from summer to spring):Alvana, Benalen, Crysit, Delvine. As on Earth the length of the seasons vary with each climate. But they do all have the months in the same order. And here they are:


The months Lisdeon, Leshdeon, and Difdeon, are named after the moon which begins to appear in that month. There are celebrations on the first of that month for the night in which that moon is first seen in the year. On the first night of Lisdeon, there is an All-Moons Feast, at which time the food which was not eaten the night before during the Dark Night fast. The All Moons feast is held on the brightest night in the year, in which all the moons are full. Everyone who celebrates the Dark Night fasts on the last day of the year, playing games to keep their minds off of the food.

Another widely celebrated festival is Marikah. It is a celebration of magic. There are festivals in all of the major cities, and some of the minor ones as well, with magic shows and lectures on making potions and such. The Magic Museum in reveals new work at this time. The name Marikah, is for the first mage of Alanria. He was the first to do the complicated, instant transport gates and other complicated spells such as weather control, and forgetfullness spells.

A human celebration, called the Salvation Days are held on the 3-7 of Welodeon. These were the days when Skye brought the dying race to Alanria. It took her five days to evacuate the entire planet. The celebrations are much like Earth carnivals or some state fairs.

Moon Festivals


The celebration of the moon Leshana is celebrated the first day of Leshdeon. The celebration begins at moonrise and ends at moonset. It involves much partying and drinking. Parades march in colorful glory up and down the streets.


The first night of the first day, of the last month is like a teacher appreciation night. This night is meant to honor the wise men and women of the land, as well as their apprentices and such. The schools all over the planet go out to other continents to learn about the different peoples. The moon Diferanta is very much a mystery, no one seems to know why it shows up for such a short period of time.


The celebration of the moon Lismante is honored by the All Moons feast. People come to celebrations in costume to honor the illusions that are easily made in the night.