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The humans of Alanria are exactly like the humans of Earth. Of course the humans of Alanria are the humans of Earth. Only they have now acquired the ability to bond with animals. They are also very strong in their magical abilities (if they have any. They are the best st magic, next to the elves.

Dwarves are humanoid, only shorter. Adults can grow to be 4 feet tall usually heavily built with stubby fingers. Dwarves, like humans, can bond with animals; a dwarf will usually bond with a smaller animal though. Many dwarves mine gemstones in the northern mountain range. These mines used to be periodically “robbed” by dragons, the dwarves are not harmed and they are usually getting rid of excess gems so it’s not so much a robbery as a trade- gems for protection. Dawrves are very passionate people with a good lust for life. They are usually rough around the edges.

Gnomes are relative to dwarves; they look the same, only smaller. Their personalities as a whole are an easy going creatures with in imaginative minds. Gnomes are usually smaller than a rabbit and live all over the place in spaces you would expect mice to live; in fact, some gnomes may have mice as bondmates. In places where there are many gnomes, such as the forests or some big cities, people have to watch where they step. Gnomes aren’t stupid though, they wear brightly colored, pointed hats so that they are noticed in big cities, they are also nimble, help them not to get squished.

Elves live all over the place too. They differ from humans only that they have pointed ears and generally also have slim bodies. They are very agile and are the most skilled of the humanoids in the use of magic. The slimness of their body does not mean that they are frail, on the contrary, elves are as strong as anyone is.

Pajarinas(pronounces paw-haw-ree-nahs)
These people are very bird-like in their actions and appearance. I got the word ‘pajarina’ from the spanish word pajaro which means bird. They look like humans but have wings and tail feathers, some have crests on their heads. A pajarina’s coloring and size corresponds with the type of bird it is. (ex: a bald eagle pajarina will have no crest {white hair maybe but no crest} brownish-black feathers, and it will be larger than a robin pajarina, which will have red feathers and be about the size of a dwarf) Pajarinas can also have bondmates, usually a land animal, though, for a proper contrast.

Satyr (aka: faun)
These peoples are goat-like in their appearance, and actions at times. Usually with a goat legs, but may contain any combination of goat legs, goat horns, or pointed ears. Generally social drinkers most spend their extra time pursuing nymphs. Many of the drunk elder satyrs are considered to be very wise. On Alanria the more civilized Satyrs, the ones that don’t spend their time chasing nymphs and getting drunk, are called fauns.

Alanria contains an abundance of the traditional ½ human, ½ horse creatures. They are very intellgent and civilized. There are as many different breeds of centaurs on Alanria, as there are breeds of horses on Earth. Their hair is usually long and matches the color of their tail, like a mane. Most live in small towns, but there are several wild herds.

Rock Krunchers
This species is slightly larger than humans and live primarily in the mountains. When sleeping, a rock kruncher may look like a boulder, they sometimes enjoy a nice roll down the mountain. This creature’s diet consists of rocks, dirt, mud, sometimes lava for hot chocolate. Their ears are flattened to their heads, making it look like they have no ears at all.

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