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Alanria is a planet teaming with life. Every anamil on earth also inhabits Alanria. They are indegonous to there region as they would be on earth. The anamils are both exotic and plain. The more mystical creatures also have regions they belong too..

Dragons: a dragon can belong to both the mountains and sky. The ones that are brighter colored and wiegh less belong to the sky, the others considerably larger and are earth colors belong to the mountains.

Gryphons: Are to the skies and are often found among the pajarinas but are rare bond mates to each other. Also some can be found in the desert prides of the manticores.

Manticores: Roam among the sands and dunes of the desert. These creatures have the body of a lion, tail of a scorpion, and human-like faces.

Mamoths:Large, hairy elephants also belong to the mountains, usualy high on frozen peaks.

Pegasus: Horses with feathered wings, favor the sky they roam in heards among the savanna.

Phynex: The birds of flaming feathers are sky dwealers. Their feathers are all flame colors. The bird can make their feathers flame, but most do not unless they are in combat.

Hippocampus: the huge sea horses are to the waters found in large lakes and oceans.

Fire Lizards: are indigenous to the marsh areas while few can be found in the desert.

Unicorns The creatures, who have the body of a horse, cloven hooves, a lion tail and a horn spiraling from the forehead, roam from the forests to the plains. They are shy among most other creatures and tend to avoid any who do not live near or with the herd.


The people of Alanria can give their pets orders telepathically, and the pets send their owners messages like *I’m hungry* or *Something.... over there *. Stuff like warnings, opinions or desires(to be fed, let out etc.). All animals of Earth are included. You can be as exotic or as plain as you like. A few changes are in need of being addressed. As some of you may know, flamingos are pink because that is the color of their food, well, in Alanria, a flamingo can be any color you like because flamingo feed can be purchased in a variety of colors. Also, some wild animals of Earth can also be pets. Extinct animals, such as the dodo bird are also found in Alanria. There are some creatures that I have made up to be pets. Lizardragons are like the comodo dragons of earth, the only difference is that these creatures breathe fire. They do not fly, but they may float occasionally (floating being a result of the gas built up in their bodies). Another creature that I have made up was inspired by an odd looking cat at a cat show, it is called the pigmy lion. These creatures resemble small lions, but are more like house cats. There are also mini-gryphons, they are like gryphons, only they are a mixture of a small house cat, and some kind of pet bird. They are related to gryphons in the way that common house cats are related to lions or tigers. You may also choose to make up an animal yourself, just tell me what it looks and acts like in the section for pet descriptions. If I don’t like it I will inform you, but I am usually pretty open-minded when it comes to these things.


Most bondmates are close to the same size of their counterpart(bond). Most any animal can be bonded, the only requirement is that they have to be intelligent. Only a certain number of animals, chosen by fate (apparently) are intelligent enough to be bondmates. They speak their thoughts telepathically to each other, but it is more than with pets. Bondmates are more intelligent than pets for one thing, and they don’t just respond to commands. Some also have a hard time speaking in humanoid tongue, so they rarely speak out loud unless it is a quote from something they heard.
Bondmates are not bonded at birth, instead their trust is earned through either the bonding ceremony, or (usually for warriors)the year spent away from home with their counterpart.