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Hmm...about me.....

This is my very first home page and I stress the word "first"! I'm afraid I've become
addicted to this web page stuff and making my own graphics. Too much
for this lil brain to learn!

I am 23 years old...oh wait, that's 35 (hehehehe). I was born in Detroit, Michigan and now live in a rural area in Mich, which I love! I am not a city person! I am a bit shy in person and quite obnoxious online. I think the shyness is partly because of LD. It has definitely changed my life. Some for the worse, some for the better. I use humor as a way of coping with it as well. Sometimes it gets me into

I am so greatful for my two boys. They have been through some very trying/lymie times. If it were not for Justin and Brandon, I would have lost it a long time ago! (ok, maybe I still did..hehehe)

Justin, who is 9, and Brandon, 5, are my life! Justin is a straight "A" student and quite mature for his age. (We are still trying to figure out where he got his smarts from!) Brandon, on the other hand, is quite the He's a big little guy who knows no fear! He just started Kindergarten this year and everything is really starting to fall into place for him. I am so proud of them.

I used to be a "gymaholic", and hope that I can return soon - lyme permitting! I'm the type of person that gets excited over exercise equipment! I like to get all sweaty and smelly - whatta rush! I also enjoy bike riding. I also like to make silk and dried flower arrangements and love to garden. I'm always looking for more outdoor projects.

I really like to play around with web pages and am "attempting" to make my own graphics. I think I'm addicted to Paint Shop Pro now! I'm also a snowglobe freak - both the globes on the net and real life. I enjoy making globes with Paint Shop Pro too. You can see my first real attempts at making them here At least, I "attempt" to, hehehe.
Oh yea - And I'm a fantasy art freak. I have tons of Amy Brown's prints on my wall by the puter...heheheh...

I'm also one of those dreaded cat lovers. I have three of them! (God created cats so that men could learn to understand women.) Which reminds me of a joke:
1. Cats do what they want, when they want.
2. They rarely listen to you.
3. They're totally unpredictable.
4. They whine when they are not happy
5. When you want to play they want to be alone.
6. When you want to be alone, they want to play.
7. They expect you to cater to their every whim.
8. They're moody.
9. They leave hair everywhere.
10. They drive you nuts.
Conclusion: They're like little, tiny women in cheap fur coats.


Main Page/About Me/Lyme Disease/Graphics/Guest Room
Favorite Links/Pokemons/Lymie Humor/Medical Humor
*new* My Snow Globes