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& Its all about Me...Muhaha

Hey guys. I'm not really going to be using this that much anymore, instead im using a livejournal with Ilana. Check it out

7:35 p.m. on Thursday 2nd
Heyyyyy guys. We had a snow day today, good thing I guess..not like I actually got some sleep..but anyways. Im so excited for SnowBall!!!! WOOOO HOOO! Anyways, ****** is really getting on my nerves..grrrr. I haven't been to a show lately..I miss going to Valentines and feeling like a can't breathe, meeting guys and sitting on the speakers (lol). I re-straightened my hair tonight. It'll look like shit tomorrow of course. I guess there's nothing to say about anything lately..I kind of want to burn myself a CD right now to feel better about myself, I am a little low. What I really can't stand are people who ask for sympothy. SUCK MY NUTS! Oh and Alex Brooks. Thats all for now, stay tuned > >

what im doing right now:
sitting @ my computer and watching the Simpsons
saRah wrote it downly

5:49 p.m. on Wednesday 1st
Happy New Years Guys!
I had a fun night last night *wink* lol! Joanna's party was SOOO F*ING AWSOME! I'm thinking of having my sweet 16 there but idk..anyways we have school tomorrow. wtff is up with that?! After dinner tonight I'm straightening my hair. LOL i dont know if anyone really cares but oh well. Ilana and Charlie are bowling together right now, and I kinda wish I was with them. I miss Charlie so much, I hardly ever get to see him. Snowball is in 3 days!!!! GOD it's gonna BE GREAT! I know I haven't written in this thing for a while but I guess there's really nothing to say. I'm getting a Live Journal soon so..yeah. Tess, Kaitlyn and Genny and I were playing with Brigitta. Gotta love 'er *wink* AHHH im okay but quite over tired. We stayed up until like 5:15ish and i am so out of it. We were setting off fireworks hahahhah ohh man fun times fun times. Well im out boys and girls, ill see most of you tomorrow @ SCHOOL grrrrr pz >>

what im doing right now:
getting yelled at for not helping and thinking about when I should start my 2 hour 'doo
saRah wrote it crazilly

9:40 p.m. on Sunday 29th
Well this day was quite interesting. I wake up, get yelled at for doing bad in chem, yeah, great. I had my chem tutor come over and we went over shit. It went well. I finally got my DBQ done! Yay! Steve came home today so I talked to him a little bit. The party last night was fun, I had a good time. I never ended up wearing my big princess gown even though i was excited too. I wore my new black dress that looked kind of nice and it was more appropriate for the occasion. listening to a song that reminds me of my ex ex ex ex from like 10000 years ago, and it STILL effects me! WIERD! It's a great song though. I haven't talked to ilana all day..I wonder if she ended up seeing charlie today? O well. I cleaned my closet out yestorday and found my really nice knee high leather heels that im IN LOVE WITH! Snowball is in 6 days, I'm sooooooooooooooo excited! I'm getting my hair did for it. Im getting my hair did tomorrow too! But not like fancy, just fixing my highlights. Tomorrow is Joannas party. Thats gonna be A LOT of fun. Hopefully I could wear my new sweater..Lisa! lol. I can't wait to get my pictures developed from last night and spirit weekend. Well guys it looks like it's time to say goodbye (good song) lol wow ill be back later >>

what im doing right now:
relaxing and about to light a candle..
saRah wrote it layed backilly (word?)

11:45 a.m. on Saturday 28th
I am SOO trauamtized! AHHH!! No really, I swear it might be a premonition!
Ok here it goes:
I had a dream last night that the system changed @ school..and that if you were even remotely looking like you were doing the wrong thing or lost your schedual or something, the administratoes would bring out guns and shoot you! And at lunch we were eating and they were watching us with their guns and then a person sitting next to me got shot like 7 times in the head because he dropped food or something! AHH! After lunch I lost my schedual even though i knew it all by heart, but was too scared to remember, and then Ilana's mom helped me find it and that was the end. I was also helping Steven pack for Belize but I don't see how that relates with anything. And another part of it was that we lost Spirit Weekend, because of monsters or something. The End!
Well wasn't that great? Angie's party is today! WOO HOO! I'll be back later *hopefully* if not i'll write after the party *wink*.

what im doing right now:
saRah wrote it traumafully!

9:21 p.m. on Friday 27th
What am i doing wrong?! I dont fucking understand this! My mother is beating me to death (mentally) about my Chemistry grade! Jeez, i know it isn't acceptable, not even enough for my satisfaction, but I am trying and I just don't understand it! I was shopping all night with my mom and it felt good to be with her. She bought me A LOT of nice clothes that *gasp* weren't even on sale! I thank her for that, but as soon as we come home from eating out with my dad @ a Chinese Buffet, I get the beat down.
"Sarah, call your chemistry tutor and tell him about your poor grade."
"You know mom, it would be nice to focus on the good side of life once in a while."

*sigh* anyways..tomorrow is Angie's Party. I'm very excited and I'll bring a camera and then post summa the pictures here. But for now I'll go and most likely talk to all whose reading this shortly..

what im doing right now:
thinking about chemistry and how to once in my life make my mother happy
saRah wrote it sadly

2:07 p.m. on Friday 27th
Too many things that need to be done..such as: find something to do for New Years, get my parents to stop fighting, fix my dress for tomorrow's formal party, buy my sweater for Joanna party, study chemistry and do my DBQ. This vacation is definatly going by too fast, although expected. I'm waiting to get my Live Journal from Ilana. Click here to see her Live Journal. I especially like the entry about me haha. God I'm so tired, and i still need to goto the mall. Stress kills. Oh yeah, I spoke to Stephanie last night and we had a very nice conversation..P.I.C!
What The Hell Is Going On For New Years?!

I went to the mall last night and bought some underwear. I'm glad your interested! pz kids~>

what im doing right now:
waiting for my new stereo to arrive..although i just ordered it today
saRah wrote it with confusion

6:01 p.m. on Thursday 26th
Hey boys and girls. I went to circut city today and brought back my gorgious stereo *tear* Thankfully I saw another cool one..although it didn't play MP3's and it only had a 3 disk changer. O well. I'm going to the Mall tonight with Ilana to buy some more underwear *wink*. We were suppose to play in the snow but as usual, my plans got fucked up. My desk is so naked it hurts to see it this way. My hair is gross too..grrrr my parents annoy the hell outa me. I was up very late last night and woke up @ 1 this afternoon, and I haven't even looked at schoolwork since like Friday. My parents aren't happy with kind of dissapointed in myself too though. Wow I had sucha freaky dream last night. I drempt that this girl Stephanie wanted this guy named Vinny to kill me, and that I was almost LOST in AHS and that I kept leaving my clarinet in weird spots and forgetting about it. Moving on.. Im so excited for snowball! And Angelicas Party! And Joanna Party! WOO HOO! Speaking of which i need to pick up my dress tomorrow.. Atleast I have a few things to look foward to. I'll catch you all later~oh yeah, Sophie called me from Boston and told me she lost Eliana (hahaha)

what im doing right now:
grieving over my lost stereo system that was only 3 weeks old
saRah wrote it anxiously

3:46 p.m. on Wednesday 25th
Merry X-Mas Boys & Girls
I dont really celebrate it but thats aunt is over today for a little bit from the institution. Im happy shes doing better :). On a happier note, my fucking stereo is broken. ARGH! Did i already tell you this? Oh well. Jesus im tired. I stay up so late even though i want to goto bed, and then get up very early to people's away messages, "Yay, it's Christmas! GIFTS GIFTS GIFTS!" Well im very happy for all of a jew. Not that I mind, but oh well, I guess im in a bitch-like mood. It's snowing a lot outside and I really am enjoying it. Sophie is in Boston and I hope she's okay. Hopefully tomorrow I'll play in the snow with my friends, and build an igloo to live in so I can be secluded in my own part of the world, away from my parents and everything. Wouldn't that be nice, but even better with a WORKING STEREO. Im petting my fish. Not to mention that while I was asleep my cat attacked me and ripped my friggen lip open!

what im doing right now:
downloading music and rubbing my lip
saRah wrote it dramatically

12:34 p.m. on Tuesday 24th
I wonder how long this will last..not like i actually have time to work on it. But hey, it's vacation, and all i really need to worry about right now is my DBQ for AP and my chemistry grade..whoa boy. Yeah not so good. I miss summer. My fucking stereo is broken and so is my phone. Christmas is annoying the hell out of me, and no it's not because im jewish..the songs are on-stop on the radio and AHHHH i think i will soon lose my mind. I went to the mall last night with Ilana and Scotty. We saw the 2nd Lord of The Rings, and i fell asleep. Don't kill me. I was tired! Ahhh school sucks so much..well, ill be back later

what im doing right now:
being an ass and not helping my parents haha
saRah wrote it very tiredly

§arah >> §hrub >> §ocks

Well..i like a lot of bands. Im not a poser although it may look like i am. Im into everything..not that much of a boring person. And definatly not as peppy and hyper as i used to be. Maybe it's because im getting older? Don't fall asleep on me now. Anyways I suck @ chemistry and my parents always yell at me for being online..not like im a nerd or anything. People do think I'm ditzy though..GRR! If you're interested into what i look like, click here

Come and get me

AIM: SwtchBlaYdKitteN

Looks like shrub will never change!

The current mood of at

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