raspberries anonymous

framboises anonymes

Greetings.  The Happy Goth welcomes you to raspberries anon.

Long idiotic speeches about the value and wonder of the modern-day raspberry will not be imposed upon the viewer here.  My apologies for you who expected/desired this.  You are very strange. [Compliment, I assure you.]

Links to porno sites will not be provided here.

However, thought-prevoking issues as well as entertainment [quality and otherwise] -will- be provided here.

My further apologies as this page is currently under construction.  The links button does not work yet.

If you don't like the abundance of red or anything else, e-mail me. I am online most of the time [well, when I'm not grounded].

Suggested format for going through this page:

1.)  Read questionable establishment.  That's the part of my page actually updated regularly, and though it will appear in the updates, is more content than random... I-Did-This Horsie Poop.
2.)  Go to the stuff page.  I do hope that's self-explanatory... if not, I pity you.
3.)  Go to the links page.  Quite interesting.
4.)  Spread the word, e-mail me, whatnot.
5.)  You will worship Danny Kaye and Agent Smith... or maybe not.
Quick outs:

updates - 02/17/00

raspberries anonymous

:) My link button. ^  Contact me if you want to exchange.
[Fonts used on this page are Century Gothic and Arial Narrow.
If you don't have 'em, you're a mite screwed.  Apologies.]

||home|updates|questionable establishment|stuff|email|links||

All graphics created by me, RachelEvelyn.
All content created by me, and if it is not, I give credit to the creator first and foremost.
If you wish to use my graphics or page content, all I ask is that you e-mail me first.
I can already say that I will most definitely let you [as long as you link back],
because this is my first try at web graphics production,
and I will be most flattered if I find that [WOW!] people like my graphics that much.
That, and I have a big head about my writing.  Be kind, use your netiquette.