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~ My wery special thanx ~


I´d like to give a big THANX to all that gave me the urge to make my pages.

First of all i´d like to thank my mother and father ~ Whitout them it wouldn´t be possible for me to make this.

~ And here goes ~

~ Me my self and I ~ Niclas R. Chr. ~ Louise R. Chr. ~ P.Pusling R. Chr. ~ TUC t. Cracker ~ Jesper .N L. ~ Rikken ~ Thomas B. A. ~

~ Bill Gates ~ Angelfire ~ Lycos ~ CyberCity ~ Microsoft ~ Lukas Art ~ Pink Floyd ~ Coolio ~ No Doubt ~ Bryan Adams ~ The makers of Lords of the Realms II ~ And a hole bunch of other people (You´l know who you are, if you find some of your work here) ~

.....This one is for you TUC......


[Back to Gandalf´s cave]
[Little about me] [Deticated to Jrr.Tolkien]