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Chapter 2

(2/26/99 9:35:20 pm) When MK met PK...

I'm guessing it happened at the Mighty Ducks Fanfare on Jan 17, 1999 (day after my b-day so I remember). She could have met him at the Olys, but Gary Suter of the Chicago Blackhawks handed him a vicious cross-check that gave him a major concussion. Thus he missed the Olys. And the rest of the NHL season. Now he is back (thanks to some acupunture treatments he got) and bigger, better, and stronger than ever. He also seems to handle the media much better. With both being related to Disney in some way, he plays for Disney owned Mighty Ducks, she has a 4 year contract, I figured they would eventually meet. I was pleasantly surprised when they did at the fanfare(that is definitely an understatement). Whatever happens, hope they become good friends at least.
Here are some articles regarding the Fanfare:

(2/26/99 10:02:52 pm) Boyfriends

I too have always thought Todd Eldridge might be a good match for Michelle, but then at the Olympics it seemed like he was always hanging with Tara (not as a girlfriend). I agree, she has her whole life ahead of her and if skating is all she feels she can handle right now, that's great, but maybe since she graduated from high school and doesn't have to spend time on that now, maybe she feels she has a little extra time now to have a little fun too. I just hope she is careful and takes her time - I know she is mature in alot of ways and has experienced in her short life things most people will never experience, but she is probably not really experienced with les affaires du coeur. I also agree she will need somebody older not only because she has had many experiences, the main support men she has known have been older, but also because she knows her own mind and heart and it will take a strong man to accept that and be able to deal with a strong woman like Michelle and also someone who will not be jealous of all her success and all the attention she receives. Anyway, I just want her to be happy and maybe have some fun for a change.(off the ice) I just hope I'm invited to the wedding(hahaha or maybe even be a bridesmaid - ha ha ha)

(2/27/99 1:54:10 am) What about Karen?

Does anyone know if Karen Kwan has a boyfriend? Maybe Michelle can get some ideas from her sister if she is ready to date. Also, Michelle and her Mom are extremely close, and I think Michelle is the kind of girl who will seek a lot of guidance from her mom when she starts dating.

(2/27/99 8:58:51 am) boyfriend

does anyone have the url for the picture of Ilia Kulik and Michelle, with Michelle sitting in his lap?

(2/27/99 9:07:41 am) boyfriends

Okay, I'm one of the poeple who promoted Paul Kariya as the best match for Michelle on CBS board so I feel obligated to backup my guy. :-)
Here's Paul's qualifications:
1. He's half Asian, with a Japanese father. He seems to be deeply influenced by his father. He's down to earth and said he prefers a simpler life. He's humble and has criticized other athletes for all the trash talking or obnoxious behavior. He has a quite demeanor and seems very introspective. He's very family oriented also. He seems to be very close to his family. Perfect match for Michelle.
2. He's very good looking ("Hollywood handsome" as Newsweek called him). Their children will be cute. :-)
3. He's not that much older than Michelle. He just turned 24.
4. He's strong on leadership. He's been the captain of the Mighty Ducks since he's 21 (he's the youngest captain in NHL at the time). He has the command of the team. I think he will not be intimidated by Michelle's strong will.
5. He's very successful. Many hail him as the best player in NHL (he's a much bigger catch than Kristi's Y.'s fiance). He's on NHL's All Star team for many years now, even though he's only 24. He makes $8 million dollar this season and he'll be a restricted free agent next season. Most people believe Disney will sign him with an even bigger contract. He's one of the most famous sports stars in S. California. So he will not be intimidated by Michelle's fame or fortune and Michelle's fame or fortune will not be enough to lure him either.
6. Both Paul and Michelle are under contract with Disney. Yes, they met in the Mighty Ducks' FanFare. Not sure whether any sparks flied. But that connection and the fact that they are two of the biggest sports stars in S. California should draw them together in many functions. Francos (sp?), since Elvis is a blackbelt, he probably can "protect" Michelle better than anyone else, including Paul. But for reasons above, I think PK is a much better match for Michelle. :-)

(2/27/99 9:21:03 am) Paul Kariya

I forgot to mention: Paul won NHL's Sportmanship Award two seasons in a row (95/96 and 96/97) for fewest penalties. Doesn't that remind you of someone?

(2/27/99 9:37:17 am) Way to go yingshan!!!

Couldn't have said it better myself, but I thought people wouldn't take me seriously. I actually made a match-up of Paul and Michelle about a year ago at FSW. I have to check their archives (hopefully it's still there) so I can remember what I wrote. It was so long ago. That's what drew me to match Paul with MK. He reminds me of Michelle. I like MK for her inner beauty. Ditto for Paul. That inner beauty radiates to the outside and we got ourselves one good looking couple...if they do ever get together. Hey, one can dream, right?
Yingshan, had I known this was going on at the CBS Board, I would have been there in a jiffy J Here is a pic of Paul with a Kanji of his name. Got this from Kariyanet by Brandon Murakami.

(2/27/99 10:15:17 am) Mano

Hehe.....It's just me who beat the drum about MK and PK on CBS board months ago and some people agreed with me. That's an interesting name for Kariya. The first Kanji character of his name has no equivalent in Chinese. Do you know how to pronounce it? Michelle and Paul is such a perfect match on paper. But we all know love is blind, right? :-)

(2/27/99 10:20:46 am) to tiger

for pic of mk & ilia ulic...

(2/27/99 11:00:12 am) just in case you wanted to know

Just in case you wanted to know Yingshan, The first Kanji character that Mano posted is a Chinese character. It's pronounced "show" in Mandarin but I don't know if it's the same in Japanese.

(2/27/99 11:10:01 am) hello

A fan-
Where'd you here bout' HS boys hanging aroung her?
(2/27/99 1:26:12 pm) To Yingshan and MANO

Addition to Paul Kariya's resume/bf qualification check list for MK are:
1. Hold a BS degree from University of Maine and was a dean's list
2. Predicted to be the next Wayne Gretzy of Hockey.
3. Two time Olympian, won silver medal at the 1994 Olympic.
4. Won multi award during his university playing days.
5. Handsome. Has the looks of Keanu Reeves.
6. Impressive biceps like that of MK
Mano and Yingshan, seems like Paul has the best resume among the other guys Kwan fans suggested. Nest step is how do we get Paul to start moving? Give your suggestions quick!!!

(2/27/99 1:56:08 pm) Here is...

the pic of Michelle sitting on Ilia's lap.
(2/27/99 8:03:38 pm) Paging Cupid!!!

Magenta, well, Michelle and Paul have already met (In their joint press conference, he joked that she's a great skater but her hold on hockey stick was a little weak. :-)). What else can we do? Shall we slip a Michelle tape into his locker? Or put the idea into his head by writing him a letter? Paging Cupid!!!

(2/28/99 1:57:44 am) Karen??

SNY- I'm not sure about this, but I attended Nationals this year, and as I found myself attending everything Michelle was at, I also found myself near to Karen often. And a lot of the times I saw her she was with some guy. For some of the competitions she was sitting near me and the two of them came in together and sat she didn't go sit with her parents...(I'm sorry I don't really remember what he looks like, so don't ask me to describe him). maybe he is her boyfriend...did anyone else at nationals notice him??..what do you think??

(2/28/99 9:17:53 am) Friends - bf and gf

i think what is more important to Michelle than having a boyfriend is to have friends. We know she has friends, Boitano, Elvis, Meno and Sand and of course Karen and her brother ron. But it is very important for her to have friends who are buddy good friends near by that she can talk to, have fun with, cry with and trust. I think it would be nice if Todd, Ilia and Kariya would be those kind of friend to her. They all seems to be nice people and understand the demand of a world class athlete. Does anyone know whether MK has good friends who are girls other than Karen? I read somewhere that she is friendly with LuLu and Okasna B. but lulu is at SOI, and Oksana has a lot of recovery work to do. Michelle is kind of friendly with Marie Osmond b/c of CMN. Flemming, Roz, Witt all like Michelle very much, but they are kinda much older.

(2/28/99 10:26:57 am) Kulik

I thought I read somewhere that Ilia is engaged to a Russian actress. Was this just a rumor? I hope that when Michelle finds her first boyfriend she finds somebody who will understand that she is inexperienced when it comes to guys. That would probably mean that she should date somebody her own age. Can you imagine even a 24 year old not pressuring her to do things that she isn't ready for...if you know what I mean.

(2/28/99 1:51:22 pm) To Yingshan & Mano

Right they've met, but sometimes cupid has to come in with magic wand. My idea? maybe write a letter to PK and send along a pix of MK with her list of accomplishments. LOL!!! Okay, Mano, what is PK's mailing address. I'll send the recent "Women's Sports & Fitness" magazine to him. What about that??

(2/28/99 2:05:56 pm) Magenta

LOL. I don't think listing Michelle's accomplishment is such a good idea. He's supposed to like her for herself, not for some trophies, right? :-) Michelle's picture on Women's Sports and Fittness is quite sassy. Good choice. Not sure about Paul's mailing address. But I am close to both Anaheim Pond and Disney Ice, where Mighty Ducks train. I have a co-worker who said Paul lives in her neighborhood. Hmm.....perhaps we can slip the mag into his mail box. :-)

(2/28/99 2:23:18 pm) okay enough with PK

I know you guys are all in your fantasy world but think realistically. PK is 24, I mean 24 he's mildly attractive, hapa, and is a high paid professional hockey player. Do you know how many women he meets that are his own age? That are probaly beautiful and experienced? You can say oh but he's so sensitive and all but think about it. I mean yeah Michelle dresses maturely but she acts like any other 18 year old. When you see her on talk shows and stuff, is he acts 18! So I have to agree when someone said it above, she's probaly going to date someone her age or only a couple years older, that's understanding. Because in a people mag. issue it said that if she wants to date her parents have to go with her. I mean that's hard for the guy. So I doubt she'll got to UCLA cuz for all of you that know what that college is about right?

(2/28/99 2:25:38 pm) Well...

I was planning to throw Paul Kariya's Jersee on the ice after MK's performance when she comes here for the COI tour. That or we can contact Disney to keep putting these two together in upcoming functions or something. As for the first part of the Kanji, your guess is as good as mine yingshan. I can do some research or just email Brandon Murakami. Unless we have any members here of Japanese descent. My ancestors hail from the Philippines. Hey did you guys know that at the Mighty Ducks Fanfare, right after MK's performance, Teemu Selanne came out first to greet her. He was immediately followed by Paul Kariya who skated out with one foot in front of him, hands outstretched to the side. (Think any figure skater just being introduced.) Yup, he was pretending to be a figure skater and it was a comical scene. This was according to a person who was at the Fanfare. Anyway, I would have loved to find out what Paul, Teemu, and Michelle were talking about. They also presented her with a hockey stick. I'm wondering where all the pictures the media took of those three together went? Hmmmmnnnn...

(2/28/99 2:50:29 pm) Aw, Blizzard, it's all for fun...

24 and 18(19 by July) isn't so farfetched. Seinfeld at 40 dated 18 year old Shoshanna who seemed more mature than he was at that time. Don't even get me started on Sergei Fedorov of the Detroit Redwings hanging around Tennis star Anna Kournikova. He's, what, 11 years older than her. And she's a minor. As for Beauty and Experience? All in the eye of the Beholder. Can't judge MK's actions by her interviews. Sometimes I find MK, when she gets introspective, sounding more mature than any celebrity or athlete above 30 out there during interviews. Again, all for fun...JJJ

(2/28/99 8:31:48 pm) PK

Hey, blizzard, don't be such a killjoy. PK doesn't have a girlfriend as far as we know. So why can't we enjoy some fantasies? Hey, he's more than "mildly attractive". He looks better than Keanu Reeves in my opinion (you need to see Paul without his hockey gear). If I were 10 years younger, I'd chase him myself. :-)
Magenta, after someone's tip, I finally realize what PK's surname means in Chinese. I haven't used Chinese for a long time so I didn't recognize the word in first glance (slap myself). The first character of his surname means "hunting" and the second means "valley". They are pronounced as "show gu" in Chinese. Not sure about Japanese pronounciation though.
(2/28/99 9:22:04 pm) boyfriends

i read in an article after the fanfare, Michelle kinda mention that hockey is not for her. Teemu was impressed with the triple lutz, and said he would never be able to do a triple lutz. kariya mentioned 'Michelle is shaky with the stick, but with her speed she could be a defensive checker." I hope you guys are just joking about paging cupid or writing PK, or whatever. Michelle and Kariya have met, if he is interested he knows where to find her. I think it would be nice if they are friends, like real friends. Did I read somewhere that PK meditates as part of preparation for his game? We know MK lost confidence somewhat in 1997 season, that plus the toe fx, and growth spurts, and the skating boots cost her the nats and worlds. After that people mentioned about sports psychologist, and Boitano mentioned Mk does not need sports psychologist, she had him (i.e. big brother Botiano). It could sure be nice if PK would share some of his game preparation with Michelle. Not that she chokes or do not perform well under pressure, but everything that is useful and successful helps.

(2/28/99 9:52:53 pm) double standard

Hey Skating Fan! I wanted to reply to what you wrote way up there about a double standard. I love talking about all this boyfriend/Michelle stuff, but I totally agree with the good points you brought up...just lettin' ya know:).

(2/28/99 11:53:20 pm) To Blizzard

You wrote: "So I doubt she'll got to UCLA cuz for all of you that know what that college is about right?" No -- what are you talking about?????
(be careful -- I'm a Bruin!!! J)
~ jenny ~

(3/2/99 7:13:45 pm) To Yingshan & Mano

Back to our fantasies....
On 2nd thought, I think I better sent PK a copy of "Heart of a champion" instead of the Sports Fitness magazine. If PK takes the time to read her book, he will know her more. Yingshan and Mano, let's have a division of labor. My job is to sent PK the book, Yingshan is to slip a tape of MK's into PK's mailbox or locker and Mano is to throw PK's ersey to MK into the ice at the COI tour. LOL!! To get started, Ineed PK's mailing address. Mano, can you give that to me please. Thanks.

(3/2/99 8:36:15 pm) to jenny (and TOTALLY off topic)

are you really a bruin??? that's SOOO unfortunate because i'm a trojan...

(3/2/99 9:06:26 pm) Interesting

I think it's interesting to talk about PK and Mk as long as we don't go overload... but seriously, after reading all the stuff on PK, I think I am in love! he sure looks cute in the pix and man! he has accomplished as much as Michelle...but he looks kinda obnoxious? is he? anyways, I think it doesn't matter who Michelle dates as long as SHE is happy, afterall, it is her life! :>

(3/2/99 9:32:25 pm) Jenny

i didn't mean anything by it, but i know a couple of people that go there and they said it was a 24 (was going to use another word but thought it innapropriate) And in an article i read it said mk hasn't even been to a "real" party. I wasn't trying to say anything I mean UCLA is the top college i want to go to and that was part of the reason why.

(3/2/99 10:07:31 pm) I'm so tempted...

to post another Kariya pic showing off some chest muscles. But it was from 1996 and in my opinion his muscles are more "cut" now than before. His facial features are more defined, sharper, and exotic these days too. Anyway, how 'bout a pic of MK instead?
Mishyfan, don't be fooled by PK's gameface. when he plays, all he focuses on is his game, not anything else...sound familiar. He is somewhat of a shyguy, not obnoxious at all. Loves kids, his family (very close to his dad). I think I mentioned before that a better word for him is "aloof." He is finally getting comfortable with his hockey-star-heir-to-gretzky persona and that's a good sign. I think he should take lessons from MK though on hw to handle the spotlight 'cause if anything she could teach him a thing or two in that area.
Hey did you guys know that I've read conflicting accounts about who was hitting on who during Fanfare '99. It's late and I'll come back with a couple of links tomorrow.

(3/2/99 10:20:33 pm) You know you're an MK fan when you...

scrounge around all the PK, Mighty Ducks websites in the wee hours of the morning searching for the elusive mailing address that Magenta is requesting.
Be back with that hopefully sure to tune into All Michelle's Boyfriends on MKF station. This Forum is syndicated. Please check local area listings for time and...

(3/2/99 10:32:18 pm) Paul Kariya

Doesn't PK already have a girlfriend? I could've sworn I saw him with a very beautiful young lady in his arm when he was in attendance @ the ESPN hockey awards last season. BTW I'm a big Ducks fan...go Disney...go Ducks... go Michelle...all associated with each other in a strage way.

(3/3/99 2:46:25 am) UCLA (off topic)

M177123 -- Well, I'm an alum ('97), and a very proud one at that!! I correspond with another trojan who's a Michelle fan (almost met her at Nationals but it didn't work out), and I think our common admiration for Michelle transcends the UCLA/USC rivalry... hopefully the same will be true for you & me!!! J Blizzard -- I think college in general is often a "24 hour party" LOL. All kidding aside, UCLA is a great school. Yes, there are lots of parties, but you gotta study too!! I think it would be cool if Michelle does decide to take classes there... GO BRUINS!! J
~ jenny ~

(3/3/99 4:32:55 am) totally off topic (again)

jenny--someone who serves as the co-moderator of a michelle kwan board can't be all that bad, even if she is a bruin... ::wink, wink:: the only time i take the rivalry even half-seriously is during football season...

(3/3/99 12:47:53 pm) M177123 (OT)

LOL! Well, thank you for acknowledging that! Football season? OK, then I'll try not to bring up last season (and the last decade practically) since that's probably quite painful for you....
J (Just teasing!)
~ jenny ~

(3/3/99 8:51:54 pm) Mano!!!

Mano, who hit on whom at MD FanFare? You can't just let out a bait like that and disappear! That's very unkind of you! Quick! This inquisite mind wants to know!!!
E-man, I didn't watch the ESPY Award so I don't know whether PK was with a woman. But are you sure it's not his sister? PK's elder sister has been his spokesperson of some sort in many articles. Mano's right. Paul seems to be shy and he just became a bit more comfortable with the media recently. He didn't make too many interviews. His elder sister seems to work as his spokesperson/personal assistant occasionally. I wouldn't be surprised if he took his sister to the award show. Yes, Mano, Michelle definitely can give Paul some pointers on how to handle the media. He seems to be a very private person and doesn't like the media one bit. The media used to call him "aloof". The relationship between him and the media only becomes more cordially in this past year or so.

(3/3/99 9:21:49 pm) Ditto on Yingshan's msg

Yingsham... you pretty much summed up my queries!

(3/4/99 3:04:39 pm) K

I think Michelle deserves a male partner that really loves her for what she is. I guess Michelle is still a virgin. The worst thing that could ever happen is she meets an older guy forcing (coercing) her into doing "you know what" for the relationship. That would really destroy her and her career. I wish the best for Michelle. I think as fans, we should just support her decision, rather than trying to match her up with someone WE THINK is good for her. :-)

(3/4/99 8:54:44 pm) More PK stuff

I'm convinced, Yingshan, Mano, Magenta. My vote goes to PK as Mr Michelle Kwan.

(3/4/99 9:27:10 pm) Don't worry K, classify this as...
Fan Fiction
I don't think MK will ever come across this board anytime soon. And by the time she does, maybe this topic will be way down yonder. Or maybe she'll just laugh it off and think we're just a bunch of crazy people with nothing better to do (mano nodding her head in agreement).
JJJ If you think we're bad, you should know that Paul Kariya actually had about 3 or so rumours going around the web last year that declared him seeing a teacher also of Japanese descent in Canada; engaged to a graduate of Stanford; and seriously dating Anuk, the Finnish Miss Tropicana Model. These rumours were sometimes substantiated with pictures and or an article from Finland etc...the works. Sheesh, I was depressed at one point or another 'cause I figured he wouldn't just settle for these women that resembled models 'cause he just isn't the type. And 'cause I thought MK was better than the whole lot of them. Then I found out they were all hoaxes. You could literally hear a collectiv sigh of relief around Mighty Duck Fandom.
Matchmaking is the key word. Some of us just think that MK/PK, MK/Tiger, MK/Todd, MK/etc...will look good together. But you all know who'll be jumping for joy if...nevermind. Anyway, after that long soliloquy, here's a breather. Some links of articles from duck's fans who went to the Fanfare '99. Eyewitness accounts I guess. Just take note these people are hockey fans first, so just short clips on MK. This one is a great report on the fanfare.Just not much on MK, just mere mentions. For those who can't wait, here's the MK excerpt. Yo yingshan... "Michelle Kwan, Olympic silver-medallist for figure skating, came by and did a short 2-3 minute performance for the fans which was very exciting for some fans, and she took a picture with Paul and Teemu. It was cute. If I didn't know any better, I would say she was hitting on Paul in a big way. I could see that happening, but I would rather continue to live in denial." That one is a duckfan who could actually "see that happening" (the MK/PK thing). Note that the article says MK was hitting on Paul. However, I got an email from the webmistress of "Kariya's Korner" page who was at the Fanfare that it said it was the other way around (I didn't ask, by the way, I wrote in her guestbook saying that my fave athletes happen to be MK and Paul and wanted to know if anything else happened at the Fanfare). "Paul seemed to be flirting with Michelle" I think those were her words, my brother accidentally deleted my email so I don't remember it word for word. But if you doubt me, just go to her site, sign her guestbook (private message) and ask her about the Fanfare.
So it seems that MK and PK hit on each other. Funny that. But I guess nothing came out of it. Magenta when are you going to send that book again? Oh, yeah, as soon as I get the address... maybe it's easier for Yingshan to slip it in his mailbox. COI seems such an eternity away.
Hey did you guys know that MK will be skating at Helsinki, Finland for Worlds (no duh!?!) and that's the hometown of PK's bestfriend Teemu Selanne? Teemu's the one who said after a game that MK taught him a move that fooled the goalee. Just a fun factoid.

(3/5/99 3:21:15 pm) boyfriends

I do not think this thread will ever be obsolete, I think people will keep adding to this thread. It is interesting that different MD fans interpret things differently, maybe in reality PK and MK are not hitting on each other at all. I think MK do visit this site. She may find it funny if we are not way out of the line. I have a suggestion to all the hopeless or hopeful romantics like Mano. Yingshan and Magenta, why not create a combine MK/PK website. People have create sites for various figure skaters, why not try a site that pay tribute to Michelle and Paul. I think in some way it may not work, b/c MK's publicity may overshadow PK's. Does Paul Kariya visit websites tribute to him? I think creating a website for both is a good tribute to both athletes who obviously are your favorite, and if MK and PK visit the site, they will learn things about the other, without you throwing #9 jersey on the ice for MK, or sneaking MK biography into Kariya's locker.

(3/5/99 5:22:47 pm) whoa

I thought that PK looked good in that action shot but in that picture of "him" a few messages above...since you all love him so much I won't comment.

(3/5/99 7:56:47 pm) Me again...(Oh, no.)

Actually am trying to start a site as a tribute to these great athletes, but right now I have no time to concentrate on it. So kudos to Jenny, Heather, and all those who have great up-to-date web pages.
LOL blizzard. That pic of Paul Kariya was actually taken when he was, what,19 or 20 years old. He just signed the contract with Anaheim and has no idea he soon will catch the eye of the Hockey Sports world. So that is the fresh off University of Maine pic.

(3/5/99 8:48:51 pm) mano don't give up trying to start the site

Mano, sorry to hear that you are busy. But if Mk and PK are your favorite athletes don't give up on that idea. Yes there are 100 MK web sites, and Heather and Jenny have done such great job with theirs, but if you have a site for those 2 athletes that will be unique. I hope you will have more time soon.

(3/5/99 9:05:41 pm) Thanks skatingfan, I'll try =)

I apologize for all the pics on this board. I know this slows down the loading time. To wit, these shall be my final ones for lizzard's sake.
PK through the years...sort of.

(3/5/99 9:11:24 pm) Hey Mano!

Do you have a more recent pic of Paul Kariya? Like from '98 or '99? Now that he knows he has caught the eye of the hockey world? ;o)

(3/5/99 9:25:25 pm) boyfriends

hi guys, when i started this thread i had no idea that other poeple out there were a little curious like i was... ( my one friend used to think that i was the only one out there that liked michelle enough to read about her and chat about her and guys all proved to my friend that i'm far from being the only one) from the look of it, lots of poeple are a lot curious... thanks mano for the three pictures of pual... he really did grow into his face nicely...

(3/5/99 10:30:13 pm) Mano

Sorry I just don't see it, I've looked at numerous pics besides the ones that you have posted. I don't think he's handsome I mean he's okay. (off subject in that pic the big one, he kinda looks like patrick swaze just my thought)
Well anyway don't dismiss the idea bout' the page it's not like you have to create it in a day take your time... I'm sure you'll get it done and it will turn out great! And for your sake I'll watch PK play in an actual game on TV and maybe he'll look could be he's not a picture person ;-)