Dark Words By Countess Bathory

Dead Fuck (Disection)

The fucking wound with salty blood hangs well below her tighs..magots cover sockets that were once her green-blue eyes...I shoot loads of Hitler into every hole...Magestic scenes of porno in my cocaine loaded mind. I can make her swallow her rotting corpse is mine...I see raging color....the acid's in my blood...I rip her flesh wide open to see the decaying of her insides...rotted blood explodes in waves upon the cold tile floor. Crimson death fills my eyes I feel great orgasim from within...I fuck her again....and she spashing me red with extasy...I'm dead bored with her broken bones.....my broken whore...

What Great Torture

As I slice your throat I feel your blood spill through my fingers. Sweet, orgasmic death dances in my mind. As your body grows pale.....memories of what brought the dark angel come in waves upon me....
And I taste how much sweeter your departing is....And I ponder your eternal soul emerged in everlasting flames...
How I wish it could have been I who set your soul aflame.....What pleasure it would give me to bring you unbearable torture forevermore....
Your ear-piercing screams music to my own ears. As I rip another piece of your soul
Never ending hell for you...I've given you what you've always given me.......Now you pay eternally......

The Kiss Of Life

The kiss of Death is bitter-sweet..You will know him when first you meet
When you take his icy hand....Lifeless will your body stand
He'll take all of your pain away.....And leave your body to rot and decay
Your soul will stay boundless and free... ..The way you've always longed to be
And this all comes at one small price....Give Death the kiss that feels so nice

Life In Death

A piercing pain led lovers to die. In shallow graves together they lie. Bitter tears no more shall they cry...
Endless love through blackening death.....One last kiss....One last breath...
He held her in his arms so near....And kissed her bloody lips so dear...
He screamed into the silent night......To die with her just felt so right
Their blood now ajoined together.....To create a life that would last forever
Hand in hand they decompose...Their bodies become like the wilted rose
They find that they are still together.....Death the end that begins forever.....

Night Masquerade

Mirrors black......Metal cold.........Could you cross the other side....would you be so bold
Demons masquerade.....Demons kill the light....Join them in the darkness...Feel their pain tonight
Lay in tombs of blackness....Wading in the blood....Breath in all the smells of death.....In it become one
In the darkest shadows...familiar faces lie...Amongst the endless graveyard.....You wish to die tonight
Run with the fury of the night......Let it embrace your soul.....All the power of the gods.....makes you loose control
No longer are you what you use to be....your body and mind have been set free...The darkness beckons...come with me

Our Name Is Melancholy

Our name is melancholy
Silently knowing the sadness of Death
Tears that spill from sunken eyes
Anguish behind a phantom's veil

Our name is melancholy
We look upon him pale and grey
The deepest sorrows beneath him lay

Our name is melancholy
We penetrate grief's dark facade
We pierce Death's somber shroud
Emanation of a phantom's madness

Our name is melancholy
We heard life whisper grief like a funeral march unto Death
Tenacious taunting within his mind
How weeps the pure?
How too weeps Death upon their demise
His crest of cold tears spilling into the night sky
We see him with his raven-feathered cloak draped languid about his mass

Our name is Melancholy......