::|. L a S t U p D a T e D - 11.16.o0 .|::


HeEyOz.. WuSsUPz?.. NuTtiN MuCH hEA i`Ve JuSs bEeN SO bUZi WiT sKoo And aLL ThaT i HAvEn`T bEeN AbLe To uPDaTe My SitE fOr All You WubBLy PeePz.. HEh And RAcK up pOiNTz BUt aLL gOoDiE iSh tHE FriDaY So i THoUGHt I gOT soME TYmE to Do It SinCe iM nOt GOiNg Out =P cUz Im A BUM =( hheHE sO SiT bACk ReLaX enJoY mY SiTe HOpE yoU LiKe ChOW cHoW ~


StuFF GOiN oN WiT mE BaBy_iCe_AnGeL

1o.o4.o0 hMm.. i WeNt To My bOiFrWeNZ hOMeCoMiNg ANd It WuZ gReAt Heh Juss thE FaCT oF BEiNg WiT HiM MaDe ME hApPiE.. oH yeAh We tOok SomE PiX aND wEn i gEt thEm ScAnNeD i`LL PoSt THeM uP so yoU cAn sEE kai?
1o.o7.o0 i Got BaCc mY TeSt toDAi iN chEm cLaSs ANd gUEsS wAhhHhH?? i GoT a 92 wOOhOo i`vE BeEn LiKE DOiN bAd iN ThaT cLaSs But tHE 92 bRuNg mY GrAdE uP a LoT wOoHoO~
Life DaMNiT i`vE BeEn sO sTrEsSeD iTz MaKinG mE CrAZy iM FeR ReALz.. skOo wORk And THeN rEnTz ArE LiKe MakiN me MaD buT aNyWaYz Hhehe.. i ThiNK i CaN HandLe iT FoR nOwZ hHEhe

::. MuH 411 .::

NaMe: ThAnH mY LuOnG
NiCknAmEz: tAnG ... HuNNiE.. Hey YoU.. PsT pSt GurL.. uMm And Mo
AGe/BDaY: iM 15 JuSs TuRn oN AuG.20.1985
HeiGhT/WeiGhT: 5`3 i DiNk
StaTuS: i Be TaKeN :: 1 17 mOnThz ::
LoCaTiOn: thE [4][o][7] OrLaNdO, PhOriDaH
SkOoL: EdGeWaTeR HiGh sKoO hOMe Of DaH EaGLeZ >)
LikEz: AnYtHiNg ThaT iS wOrTh bEiNg LiKEaBLe
DislikEz: hMm bASiCaLLy PeePz ThAt ArE hAtErz,uSeRz, AnD aLL thE nEg StuFF



For all you people who say "I love you" when you have no clue what love is exactly!!!What is love? When we claim that it`s love that we have for someone, are we correct? Something to ponder upon.....

~*~Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and is your voice caught within your chest? It isn`t love, it`s like. You can`t keep your eyes or hands off of them, am I right? It isn`t love, it`s lust. Are you proud, and eager to show them off? It isn`t love, it`s luck. Do you want them because you know they`re there? It isn`t love, it`s loneliness. Are you there because it`s what everyone wants? It isn`t love, it`s loyalty. Are you there because they kissed you, or held your hand? It isn`t love, it`s low confidence. Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you don`t want to hurt them? It isn`t love, it`s pity. Do you belong to them because their sight makes your heart skip a beat? It isn`t love, it`s infatuation. Do you pardon their faults because you care about them? It isn`t love, it`s friendship Do you tell them every day they are the only one you think of? It isn`t love, it`s a lie. Are you willing to give all of your favorite things for their sake? It isn`t love, it`s charity.

~*~Does your heart ache and break when they`re sad? Then it`s love. Do you cry for their pain, even when they`re strong? Then it`s love. Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts? Then it`s love. Do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain and relation pulls you close and holds you there? Then it`s love. Do you accept their faults because they`re a part of who they are? Then it`s love. Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret? Then it`s love. Would you allow them to leave you , not because they want to but because they have to? Then its love. Would you give them your heart, your life, your death? Then it`s love.

~Now, if love is painful, and tortures us so, why do we love? Why is it all we search for in life? This pain, this agony? Why is it all we long for? This torture, this powerful death of self? Why? The answer is so simple cause it`s...LOVE. It is such an addictive that even people who are not having it wish to experience and share it with .

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