This is Eric's Homepage

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This is Eric's Homepage

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X-Files midi.....©1998
{Click on the "play" sign to hear the midi X-Files}
Please note that the midi will be changed weekly [ eVeRY sAtUrdAY ] !!!

When you enter this page, please don't forget to sign the guess book!!!!!

My Guest House

VISITORS OF THIS PAGE..........sorry coz it's been a long time since i didn't edit my page............and now i'm for editing............HOPE U ENJOY YOUR TRIP

If you are a visitor for DNA, the Demolition Native Aider, visit Eddy Lee's homepage after you visit mine cause this is a combination of homepages !


Vincent Chee's Homepage
Eddy Lee's Homepage
Aceleen's Homepage(Siu Ann)
Sid's Homepage
Rachel's Homepage
X-Gen/Donovan's Homepage

Welcome to my Guest House.............tis is my new homepage anyway.....Wanna know me more? ..This is my Biodata, so click here

just click on the post box
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Click here to go to 2nd page
Check out the wav file in page 2..............
Click here to go to view some movie scenes