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Selected Traditions of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Traditions of Prophet Muhammad pbuh

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

1- Abu Said al-Khudry ( R ) quoted the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. to have said: Allah is beautiful; He likes what is beautiful; and loves to see the manifestation of His grace upon His slaves. He hates poverty and the show of poverty. (Reported by al- Bayhaqi).

2- Here is another Prophetic tradition that sheds more light on this issue. Ibn Masoud ( R ) quoted the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. as saying: He will not enter Paradise who has in his heart an atom’s weight of arrogance. It was then said: but a person likes to have a clean garment, and a clean pair of slippers. He said: Allah is beautiful and He likes the beautiful. Arrogance is to reject the truth and oppress other people. (Reported by Muslim)

3- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: A hypocrite has three signs: he lies whenever he talks; he breaks his promise and he cheats when he is trusted. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

4- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: carefulness is from Allah while hastiness is from the Devil. ( Reported by al- Bayhaqi)

5- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Fear Allah wherever you might be, follow every evil deed with a good deed which will erase it, and deal with people with good conduct. (Reported by al-Tirmithi)

6- Abu Hurairahh ( R ) reported the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. to have said: Allah created His creation; when he finished, the embodiment of kinship emerged in His presence. He asked: What? It said: This is the position of one seeking refuge in You from the cutting of kinship. He said: Would you be satisfied if I shower my grace upon him who does good to you and that I deprive him who cuts you? It said: Indeed I would! He said: This is for you. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

7- Aisha ( R ) reported that the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Kinship is very close and dear to the Beneficent; Allah said: I shall shower My grace upon him who is committed to you and I shall deprive him who cuts you. (Reported by al-Bukhari).

8- Zayid ibn Thabit ( R ) reported the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. to have said: Gabriel recommended to me the neighbors until I thought he would grant them a share in inheritance. (Reported by al-Tabrani)

9- ibn Omar ( R ) quoted the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. to have said: Gabriel continued to recommend neighbors to me until I thought he would make a share for them in inheritance. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

10- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said : Love for other people what you love for yourself. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

11- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Leave your food to cool for there is no blessing in hot food. (Reported by al-Daylami)

12- Ibn al-Munkader ( R ) quoted the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. to have said: One of the best deeds is to bring about happiness unto the believers; through settling their debts, fulfilling needs for them and averting adversities from them. (Reporting by al- Bayhaqi)

13- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: If you want to mention other people’s weaknesses then remember your own weaknesses. (Reported by al-Rafiee)

14- Abu Thaalaba ( R ) said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Righteousness is what achieves tranquillity to one’s soul and peace to one’s heart, while sin disturbs the soul and the heart even though numerous people should license you (to do it). (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

15- Abu Hurairahh ( R ) said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Allah loves sneezing and hates yawning; thus if any of you sneezes and praises Allah, it is an obligation on every Muslim who hears him to say to him: May Allah have mercy on you . As for yawning, it is from the Devil, for should any of you say “Ha” (due to yawning) the Devil would laugh at him. (Related by al-Bukhari)

16- Abu Hurairah ( R ) said: the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Yawning is from the Devil; thus when one of you yawns he should suppress it as much as possible; for if anyone of you said “Ha” (due to yawning) the Devil laughs at him. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

17- Abu Saeed al-Khudri ( R ) said: the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: If any of you yawns let him put his hand on his mouth, as the Devil enters (his body) due to yawning[1]. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

18- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: If any of you belches or sneezes let him not raise his voice with them. (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

19- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: When the son of Adam dies his actions are cut off except through three things: A running charity, a knowledge made use of, and a pious child praying for him. (Reported by Muslim)

20- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whenever any one of you eats, let him eat with his right hand, take with his right hand and give with his right hand. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

21- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: If you are three people let not two of them talk in secret with the exclusion of the third one until you mix with other people; for such a behavior would sadden him (the third one). (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

22-Abu Umamah may Allah be pleased with him said that a man asked the Messenger of Allah pbuh what is faith ? He answered Once you are pleased with your good deed and you are upset by your sin then you are a believer.The man then asked what is sin ? He answered : If yourself is suspicious of some thing then abandon it. (Reported by Ahmad)

23- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Should a dignitary in his people come to you then honor him. (Reported by ibn-Majah)

24- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whenever any of you sneezes let him say: praise be to Allah, Lord of all worlds, and let his brother say to him: May Allah have mercy upon you; when his brother says to him: May Allah have mercy upon you; let him say; May Allah guide you and grant your soul tranquillity and peace. (Reported by Abu Dawood).

25- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: When any one of you asks permission (to enter another person’s place) for three times and is not granted permission let him return. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

26- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: When you see the funeral then stand for it (in respect) until it is behind you or until it is put down. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

27- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Allah will love you if you forsake worldly pleasures; and people will love you if you don’t aspire to what they have. (Reported by ibn-Majah)

28- Abu al-Darda ( R ) said: Whoever follows a road seeking through it knowledge Allah will facilitate for him a road in Paradise; angels lower their wings for the seeker of knowledge as a token of satisfaction with what he does. All that is in heavens and earth seek forgiveness for the scholars, even fish in the depths of water. The distinction of a scholar over a worshipper is like the distinction of the full moon over all other planets. Scholars are the heirs of Prophets; for Prophets did not leave behind dollars or coins but left behind knowledge. Thus he who takes it has taken a lion’s share. (Reported by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad)

29- Safwan ibn Assal said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Angels lower their wings in satisfaction to anyone who goes out of his house seeking knowledge until he returns. (Musnad of Imam Ahmad)

30- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Resort to secrecy for the fulfillment and success of your needs, for every one favored with a blessing will be envied. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

31- Ali may Allah be pleased with him said the Messenger of Allah pbuh said Visit those who boycott you ;do good to him who offends you and say the truth even against your own self.Reported by al –Suyooti in al Jami al-Sagheer Sahih 3769)

32- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The best charity is that a Muslim person should acquire some knowledge then he would teach it to his brother. (Reported by ibn Majah)

33- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The best rewarded visit to patients is that visitors would quickly leave the sick person. (Reported by al-Daylami)

34- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Excellence in action is that you worship Allah as though you see Him, but if you don’t see Him He sees you. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

35- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The most major sins are: ascribing partners to Allah, slaying innocent persons, being rebellious to parents and passing false testimony. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

36- Abuddarda ( R ) said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Nothing is heavier in the balance of (deeds) than good conduct. (Musnad of Imam Ahmad)

37- Abuddarda ( R ) said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The heaviest thing in the believer’s balance of deeds is good conduct; for Allah hates mischief mongers spreading lewdness and obscenity. (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

38- Ibn Omar ( R ) said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: If you have four things, don’t worry about anything you missed in this world: Truthfulness in speech, preserving one’s trust, good conduct and purity of food. (Musnad of Imam Ahmad)

39- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Most of the son of Adam’s sins are due to his tongue. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

40- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Honesty brings about provision and cheating brings about poverty. (Reported by al-Daylami)

41- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He who does not have within himself anything of the Quran is like a house in ruins. (Reported by al-Tirmithi)

42- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Allah does not look at your images and your wealth, but looks at your hearts and your deeds. (Reported by Muslim)

43- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The most loved slaves of Allah to Allah are those most advising to His devotees. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

44- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Alms given to relatives has a double reward. (Reported by al- Tabarani)

45- There is another tradition to this effect: Salman ibn Amer said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: charity to the needy is a rewardable charity, but it is on a relation double the reward: a charity and a good deed to relations.

46- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Keep away from evil suspicion, for evil suspicion is the falsest utterance. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

47- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Abstain from greed for it is imminent poverty. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

48- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Allah loves that whenever any of you does something, he should excel in it. (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

49- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Bashfulness is part of faith, and bashfulness brings about nothing but good. (Reported by Muslim)

50- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: To make food blessed perform ablution before and after it. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

51- Abu Hurairahh said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Every time a group of people gather in one of the houses of Allah (the mosques) reciting the book of Allah (the Quran), and studying it among themselves, tranquillity descends upon them, mercy overwhelms them, angels surround them and Allah mentions them to those in His presence. (Reported by Abu Dawood)

52- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: If you exchange gifts you will exchange love; and if you shake hands hatred and animosity leave you. (Reported by ibn Asaker)

53- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Clean yourself with anything you can, for Allah has based Islam on cleanliness. (Reported by Tabarani)

54- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Be humble until no one would oppress anyone else and no one would pride himself over another. (Reported by Muslim)

55- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Seek medication, O slaves of Allah, for Allah has not caused any illness but provided a medicine for it except one illness i.e. old age. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

56- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Three things guarantee for you the pure love of your brother: That you salute him when you meet him; that you make a space for him in any council; and that you call him by the most beloved of his names. (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

57- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Three people will not enter Paradise: an addict on intoxicants, a boycotter of his relatives and a believer in magic. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

58- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Paradise lies under the feet of mothers. (Reported by Ahmad). In another version he said: Be close to her (the mother) as Paradise lies under her feet.

59- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: O believing women! Exchange gifts even should they be trifling, for this cultivates love and extinguishes hatred.

60- Ali ibn Abi Taleb quoted the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. to have said: Do good to him who boycotts you, be nice to him who maltreats you and say the truth even against yourself.

61- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The right of the senior brother upon his minor brothers is like the right of the father upon his children. (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

62- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: A Muslim has five rights upon other Muslims: The return of his salutation, answering his invitation, attending his funeral, visiting the sick and invoking God’s mercy upon him when he sneezes. (Reported by ibn-Majah)

63- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Two characters are not gathered in a believer: miserliness and ill conduct. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

64- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Leave what is suspicious to you to what is not suspicious. (Reported by al-Tirmithi)

65- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He who guides others to what is good is like him who does it(the good) and Allah loves the response to those in distress and trouble who appeal for help. (Reported by ibn Abi al-Dunya)

66- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: May Allah have mercy upon devotees who say what is good thus they are winners or abstain from speaking evil things thus they are safe and secure. (Reported by ibn al-Mubarak)

67- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The Beneficent (God) in His high glory will have mercy upon the compassionate ones. So have mercy upon those on earth, so that He Who is in heaven may have mercy upon you. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

68- Abu Hurairahh said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whoever commits adultury or drinks wine, Allah will remove faith from him as a person would take off a shirt from his head. (Reported by al-Tirmithi, al-Bayhaqi and al-Hakim)

69- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Cursing a Muslim amounts to debauchery and fighting him is disbelief. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

70- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: (when you eat) mention the name of Allah and eat with your right hand and eat what is next to you. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

71- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Prayer is the pillar of religion and the key to all good. (Reported by al-Hakim)

72- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Congregational prayer is twenty seven degrees better than individual prayer. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

73- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: If you fast you will become healthy. (Reported by Abu-Naeem)

74- Ibn Masoud ( R ) said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Nothing is worthy of coveting except two things: A person whom Allah has granted wealth so he spends it on a truthful (cause), and a person whom Allah has granted wisdom, so he decides through it and teaches it. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

75- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Wealth is not manifested in the accumulation of chattels, but real wealth is the satisfaction of one’s soul. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

76- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: A good word is a charity. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

77- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Suffice it as a major sin a person commits when he narrates everything he hears. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

78- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: May Allah curse women who visit graves, and those who establish on them mosques and then install candles over them. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

79- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: May Allah curse him who eats usury and him who gives it, its witness and its scribe. (Reported by Abu-Dawood)

80- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: May Allah curse the man who wears a woman’s dress and the woman who wears a man’s dress. (Reported by al-al-Hakim)

81- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He is not a believer who has his full while his neighbor is hungry along his side. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

82- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He is not one of us who does not show mercy to our minors, who does not respect our seniors, who does not enjoin good and does not forbid evil. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

83- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Every youth who honors and respects old people, Allah will send him those who would honor and respect him in his old age. (Reported by al-Tirmithi)

84- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Allah never honors those in ignorance nor humiliates the learned ones, neither will any wealth decrease due to charity. (Reported by al-Daylami)

85- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: No gift a Muslim can present to his brother is better than a wise word through which Allah would increase him in guidance or would through it keep him away from death. (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

86- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whatever you lighten of the job of your servant, Allah will make it part of the reward in store for you in your balance on the Day of Judgment. (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

87- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: No Muslim who consoles his brother due to a tragedy but Allah will dress him out of the garments of honor on the Day of Judgment. (Reported by ibn-Majah)

88- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Visit and be nice to him who boycotts you, do good to him who does evil to you and say the truth even against your own self.

89- Every time the Messenger of Allah used to sneeze he would put his hand or garment on his mouth to lower by it his voice. (Reported by al-Hakim)

90- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whenever gentleness accompanies anything it beautifies it, and whenever it is separated from anything it destroys and deforms it. (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

91- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. never faced anyone with anything he hated. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

92- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whatever you hate other people see you doing abstain from doing it to yourself when you are alone. (Reported by ibn-Majah)

93- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Never has anyone of you eaten any food better than what he eats as a result of the work of his hands. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

94- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: No other thing a father can grant his son is better than good conduct. (Reported by al-Hakim)

95- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He is cursed who commits the evil acts of Lot’s people (homosexuality). (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

96- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Allah will curse him who separates a mother from her child and who divides between two brothers.

97- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: One sign of a good Muslim is that he leaves what concerns him not. (Reported by al-Tirmithi)

98- Abu al-Darda said: I heard The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. say: Whoever goes on a path to seek through it knowledge, Allah will facilitate for him through it a path to Paradise. Indeed angels lower their wings to the seeker of knowledge as a sign of satisfaction with what he does. All that is in heavens and earth ask forgiveness for scholars even fish in the water. The preference of scholars over worshippers is like the preference of the moon over the rest of planets. Scholars are the heirs of prophets; for indeed prophets did not leave behind dollars nor cents; but they left knowledge thus whoever obtains it, has taken an Abundant share. (Reported by Abu Dawood and al-Tirmithi)

99- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Reward anyone who does good to you, but if you don’t find, then pray for him. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

100- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He will enter Paradise who eats the good and pure food, commits his actions to the practice of the Prophet, and who other people are secure from his harmful deeds. (Reported by al-Tirmithi)

101- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The example of him who teaches people the good things but forgets himself is like the lamp that gives light to people while it burns itself. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

102- Anas ( R ) said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: By Allah If you know what I know, you will laugh scarcely and will cry a lot. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

103- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whoever saves (in his economy) Allah will enrich him, but Allah will inflict poverty on him who is spendthrift. And Allah will honor and raise the dignity of him who is humble; but Allah will crush him who is a tyrant. (Reported by al-Bazzar)

104- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He will please Allah who pleases his parents; and he will suffer the anger of Allah who angers his parents. (Reported by ibn al-Najjar)[2]

105- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Should a believer be humiliated in the presence of any person and the latter does not help him although he can, then Allah will humiliate him on the Day of Judgment. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

106- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whoever overhears the talk of other people to their dissatisfaction, melted copper will be poured in his ears on the Day of Judgment. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

107- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. Said: Whoever suggests to his brother something while he knows that wisdom lies somewhere else, he has, in fact, cheated him. (Reported by Abu-Dawood)

108- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whoever argues while knowingly defending falsehood, will continue to be under Allah’s anger until he abstains. (Reported by Abu-Dawood)

109- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Every Muslim is a brother to every other Muslim; hence he should not wrong him or be unfair to him. Neither should he surrender him. Whoever walks to fulfill the need of his Muslim brother, Allah will fulfill his needs. Whoever averts a misfortune from his brother, Allah will relieve him of a misfortune on the Day of Judgment; and whoever covers (the shame of his Muslim brother) Allah will cover his (sins) on the Day of Judgment. (Agreed upon)

110- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Anyone who goes to a fortune teller or a soothsayer and believes in what he says has, in fact, disbelieved in what has been revealed to Muhammad p.b.u.h. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

111- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Anyone who goes to a fortune teller and asks him about anything, his prayers will not be accepted from him for forty days. (Reported by Muslim)

112- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whoever introduces anything alien in this affair of ours (religion), then it is rejected. (Reported by al-Bukhari)

113- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whoever accuses anyone with something not found in him in order to scandalize him Allah will imprison him in Hell fire until he brings tangle evidence of what he claimed. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

114- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He who protects and conceals an exposed weakness of a believer, it is as though he raised a dead person back to life. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

115- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Whoever causes mischief and scandal to a believer, Allah will put him in a situation of humiliation and scandal on the Day of Judgment. (Reported by al-Bayhaqi)

116- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Who cheats us is not one of us; and evil plotting and cheating are in Hell Fire. (Reported by al-Tabarani) He said The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The most beloved people to Allah are the most useful, and the most beloved deed to Allah, may He be dignified and honored, is a feeling of happiness you cause to another Muslim, that you remove a misfortune from him, that you pay back his debt, or that you dispel hunger from him. For me to walk with a Muslim brother to fulfill his need is better and closer to my heart than to stay a whole month for voluntary worship in the mosque. Whoever controls his anger, Allah will conceal his shame, and whoever suppresses his anger although he can give vent to it if he wills, Allah will fill his heart with satisfaction on the Day of Judgment. And whoever walks with his brother to implement his need until he fulfills it for him, Allah, in His glory, will make his foot firm the day feet will slipper. Bad behavior spoils actions as vinegar spoils honey. (Reported by ibn abi Addunya)

118- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He has, in fact, left Islam who walks with an oppressor to help him. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

119- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He is not shy of Allah who is not shy of men. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

120- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The Muslim is he who the other Muslims are immune and safe from his tongue and hand. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

121- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said during the Farewell pilgrimage: O Mankind! All of you belong to Adam, and Adam is from dust; there is no preference for an Arab over a non-Arab; neither is there any preference of a non-Arab over an Arab except through piety. (Reported by Muslim)

122- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: All that belongs to one Muslim is prohibited for other Muslims namely his wealth, honor and blood. Suffice it as a major evil a Muslim commits, when he humiliates his brother Muslims. (Abu Dawood)

123- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: A person follows the religion of his comrade, so let everyone of you look well, when he takes a comrade. (Reported by al-Termithi)

124- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Don’t show rejoicing for the misfortune afflicting your brother, for Allah may have mercy upon him and test you. (Reported by al-Tabarani)

125- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He is deprived of faith who is not trustworthy; and he is deprived of religion who is not bound by his covenant. (Reported by Imam Ahmad)

126- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Don’t despise any good deed, even if it is that you just meet with you brother with a smiling face. (Reported by Muslim)

127- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: A person should not sit between two people except by their leave. (Reported by Abu Dawood)

128- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: A funeral should not be followed (or accompanied) by a voice or a fire. (Reported by Abu Dawood)

129- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: He will be forgiven who approaches the evening tired of the work his hands have done. (Reported by al-Daylami)

130- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Mention the good aspects about your dead ones, and desist from mentioning their evils. (al-Tirmithi)

131- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Don’t drink wine, for it is the key to all evils. (Reported by ibn Majah)

132- In another tradition the Messenger p.b.u.h. said: wine is the mother of all evils.

133- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Don’t beat your maid servants due to breaking your pots, for these have life spans as the life spans of humans. (Reported by Abu Naim)

134- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Don’t engage in empty dispute with your brother, nor joke with him (with trivialities and sins), neither promise him then break your promise. (Reported by al-Tirmithi)

135- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: It is prohibited for a Muslim to horrify another Muslim. (Reported by Abu-Dawood)

136- The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Allah’s hand (his support) is with the congregation. (Reported by al-Tirmithi)

137- Abu Hurairah said: The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: The most perfect believers are those best among them in conduct; and the best among you are the best to their women. (Reported by al-Tirmithi)

138- Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. to have said: Any person who follows a way in order to seek knowledge, but Allah will facilitate for him a way to Paradise. He whose actions slow him down, his lineage will not speed him up. (Abu-Dawood and al-Hakim)

139- Muath ibn Jabal ( R) said: the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: Acquire knowledge (of your religion) for acquiring it is fear of Allah, seeking it is an act of worship, memorizing it is glorification (of Allah), searching for it is jihad, teaching it to those who don’t know it, is an act of charity; conveying it to its seekers, brings you closer to Allah; for it is the landmarks of the permissible and the prohibited, and the light house of the paths of the owners of Paradise. It (Knowledge of Islam) is the entertainer in desolation, the companion for the stranger, the teller in isolation, the guide in times of happiness and adversity, the weapon against enemies, and the ornament among friends. Through it (Islamic knowledge) Allah raises some people to be leaders for all that is good. Their footsteps are traced, their deeds are imitated and their views are sought. Angels seek their friendship, and with their wings they rub them and every wet and dry thing seeks forgiveness for them, even the fish in the sea and other marine animals, and the beasts of the wasteland and its cattle, for indeed religious knowledge is the life of the hearts against ignorance; it is the candles of eyesight against layers of darkness.

Through religious knowledge a devotee reaches the degree of righteous people and the lofty status in this life and the after life. Reflection on it is equivalent to fasting and discussing it is equal to religious vigil. Through it relations are joined and the permissible and the prohibited are known. It is the leader of actions and actions follow it. Fortunate people get it, and miserable ones are deprived of it. Abu Umar said: This is indeed a good tradition referring of course to its content and not to its degree of authenticity.

140- Abu Thar ( R ) said: the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said: To emerge early in the morning and teach a verse from the Book (of Allah) is better for you than praying one hundred units (rakaa); and for you to emerge early in the morning and teach a chapter of Islamic knowledge whether it is put into practice or not, is better than praying one thousand Rakaa (prayer unit). (Reported by ibn-Majah)

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