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Our Aim:-
In the past, the pages we have built, have been more of a practice exercise. We hope this one will not only be a notice board for us, but, also informative and interesting. Please remember to refresh or reload the pages, as they are constantly under construction.
We will endeavour to keep the pages low in detail, so that you are not here all day loading them.
If you have any ideas on content or wish to add input, or just wish to comment, email us at> (Click Here) Trevor and Lori .

   Our Wedding        Day
We met on the net, this is our page. *S*
  Our Friends
A selection of our friends.
Useful items programs etc; chit chat.
   Funny Funny programs that have been sent to us. Because of the nature of this page, loading of items may take a little longer.
  Our Travels
Places we have visited.
  Our Families
Pics of our families.

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  Copyright © 1998 Trevor Davison, Canada.  All Rights Reserved