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Heyy People! This is #teenpoolparty of dalnet's homepage! (: Most of the people that go to teenpoolparty are from Nova Scotia Canada. Theres about 40 of us who come to this channel regularly. We dont fit your usual "irc geek" stereotype. Most of us hang out together and party and stuff and we use irc as our "lets figure out what the hell we are gonna do" place instead of using phones like normal people :)

The SOPS of Teenpoolparty
Of the Months
rAMBElliNGz & StOopid stUff
A Page About Us (:
Some Dumbass Links

Here iz tha*TeenPoolParty* GuestBook!! (:

~*SiGN dA bOOk*~

*~'N nOW Ya CaN VieW iT~*

This site is a part of The Ring of Punk!

Maintained byNepente. Want to join the Ring of Punk?
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