Princess Leia Organa Solo's Coruscant page
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Princess Leia Organa Solo's Coruscant page

When in Coruscant visit:

My Favorite Links

pics, right now mostly Leia, more to come
sounds, more to come soon
cool links
cool midi files
movie scripts
humor files, their sooooo funny!!!!
my own fan fiction
sounds only a few right now
Verona Beach

Welcome to my page. This page is tribute to the greatest movies ever created!!! I first saw the Star Wars trilogy when I was three. Ever since I was hooked. As my friends would tell you I'm a certified Star Wars junkie!!! I've read the books seen the SE trilogy and the old trilogy a million times! In the works now is my first SW novel! Look for future info on that on this page! Recently I went down to Boston to see the Boston Pops! John Willams was guest conducting! I was estatiic to see the genius who wrote the score for SW in person! Because of the 20th anniversary of SW they played tons of music from Sw and a special film clip collection! This page is under construction, and I look forward to finishing it shortly! I reccomend if you're in the Boston area, go see the Pops!! They're great!! Enjoy my page! ~Leia~ This Star Wars Datbase Network Webring site owned by Carolyn Laroche
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