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These are the sermon notes of Hell & Evangelism which Peter Baker preached on 1st February 2001

Hell exists so mission must exist - Luke ch16 vs19-31

The problem in society today is that most people think that this world is all there is. They believe that there is nothing after death, they have no concept of reality. It is because we as Christians believe in the backdrop of eternity we want to evangelise. It is because we know the realities of heaven and hell that we should be out there telling people.

The existance of hell makes evangelism important
We are not playing games. It really is a matter of life and death. Our personal faith in Jesus Christ really is of utmost importance. The fact that there is a hell makes our evangelism important, because everyone is heading for eternity. Our job is important. Hell exists - this is the whole point of the gospel. The good news of the gospel only makes sense because of the bad news. Evangelism must take place because there is a hell. We can't just say Jesus saves - we need the bad news too. Jesus Christ didn't come into this world to make us better or to feel good. He came to rescue us from hell.

The existance of Hell makes evangelism urgent
We aren't to offer Jesus in a take it or leave it type way. We need to urge people to put their trust in him. There should be a passion and vitality about our evangelism.

The existance of Hell makes our evangelism compassionate The bible always puts God's love alongside perishing (John 3:16). The cross is not only a demonstration of love, it is also a demonstration of God's utter hatred of sin. We are to give this message compassionately. Jesus had a compassion for the lost - he weeps for Jerusalem. We cannot share this gospel lightly or flippantly, but with compassion, humility, urgency and prayer.

But what does Jesus say about hell? Many people think that it is the God of the Old Testament is angry, but the God of the New Testament is loving. However, Jesus mentions the wrath of God/hell 31 times. The most compassionate person in the history of the world tells people of the reality of hell. What does Jesus tell us about hell in this passage?

1. Hell is eternal (vs23,23)
Jesus is saying our personalities survive death in a conscious state and that forever. Just as there is everlasting life, there is everlasting death. Both heaven and hell are sustained by God, but they couldn't be more different. One if bliss the other is isolation and torment - there is no friendship in hell. This world may be spoiled by sin and greed but there are still the gifts of things like friendship, love and physical health. There are none of these in hell, no friendship - nothing we enjoy.

2. Hell is a fixed destiny (vs26)
There is no second chance with hell. There is no re-incarnation. Jesus say there is a great chasm. It is here and now that our destiny is being sealed.

3. Hell is a self determined destiny
We choose to go to hell. The rich man lived for his wealth. Hell underlines our choices on earth - it is having what you want without enjoying it. If we have lived for pleasure instead of God, He will say "that's what you wanted - you rejected Me!"

4. Hell is an avoidable destiny (vs27,28)
If people do not believe the scriptures then they will never get to heaven. To hear the word of God is to hear the way out of hell. There are two ways to choose from. Jesus speaks of the two foundations, the two gate, the two paths. One leading to everlasting life, the other to everlasting death.

We need to listend to the word of God. We are fortunate enough to have heard the word of God. This story is addressed to people like us, those who have heard the words of Jesus. That is why our mission is so important. Hell IS avoidable. People do not need to go there. We need to share the good news of God's rescure against the backdrop of His wrath. Jesus dies to save sinners from hell, surely w