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Greetings and Salutations to all the weary wanderers who have found themselves here, in my sanctuary. You are welcome. Come in and rest a while, take a look around. Remember to keep an open mind as to the things you see, for I may not be exactly like you. I enjoy who I am, and I don't change randomly for others, so whether you keep an open mind or not, I am who I am. And I afford you the same right.

My sanctuary has changed a great deal. I realized that it needed some new decorations, and in fact I released all the old trappings and tapestries, in order to find a new way to illustrate myself for you, and for myself. I change so often in Nature, that I need to change in here as well.

So join me in my path of discovery, and hopefully I can inspire some growth on your path as well.

Enter, and be welcome.....