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Choir: East Coast Tour

What a wonderful, spiritual, CRAZY experience!

They didn't call us the "Smoochy van" for nothing!

Named after our mascot.. the frog!

Interesting for a van full of single people, well almost.

Our tour begins...

The man behind it all, Mr.T

This is "Us" Heritage Baptist College Choir.. Don't we look professional?

Made some great friends on this tour

Inside Jokes and Mishaps

Drive-by-fruitings! Although it would have been much to dangerous to take pictures of the actual events that took place during these drive-by's you get the picture with this artist rendition.

"I think we have about 1 hour to get there, lets take a three hour tour to Cape D'Or!" Oh dear how could we know the events that were unfolding before us.

"But boy was it worth it for the view!" *L*

Every wonder how red "Dougalina's" face can get? Ask him about Pantyhose some time!

The views in Peggy's Cove and PEI were breath taking, makes you realize how Great or Lord really is!

Looks like a post card, don't you think?

The beach in which I was finally aloud to frolic on

This is me, in the ocean at PEI

"I am not conceited, really"

This is at Peggy's Cove

"Heed the warnings, we are not in control."

"WARNING: injury and death have rewarded careless sight-seers here. The ocean and rocks are tretreachours, savour the sea from a distance"

Hope you enjoyed the "tour" as much as I did

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