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My Friends and Family pictures

If you do not see a picture of yourself on this page and you would like to, send me a picture and I will add you.

Friends from Camp

This is at Dorion During Hi-Teens '97 (L-R) Aaron, Andrew, Dustin and Brad

This is a pretty old one... Do you know who this is? I'll give you a hint she worked at camp this past summer

Althought this picture was not taken at camp it is still a friend of mine I met at camp of course it's Carly (Carleton)

The car ride home..Dave & I (Eggyolk & NailNcross)

Karl and Mrs.Hoover... = Hickies

This is from Hi-Teens '98 I think... Jeany

Marilyn..ooops Lydia.. Community camp '97

hmmmmm Zuly.... need a hand?
My trip

These pictures are from when I went to Sault Ste. Marie this year.

Mike.. Driving down a big hill in the Soo

Patty, Up close and personal

Patty's "House" This house is located at the bottom of a hill in Sault Ste. Marie, The road spilts and makes a "Y" around this house.. Patty thought it was the funniest thing in the world.

This is Mike's nephew Christopher and the cat "Lime-it-up"..sorry can't remember it's real name

These are just a few picture of the family.

This is a picture of low quality of Myself and Kristi in front of the Degrassi store

This is a picture of my sister Kristi.. isn't she cute.. I know someone who thinks so.. *S* Bif.. (Brandon there I fit you in)

This is a picture of myself and Kristi when we were really little eating Kraft Dinner of course...

These are some pictures of some kids I used to babysit:

This is a recent picture of Erica

This is Erica and her sister Lauren in 1992 in front of my house

This is Erica and Lauren building a snow man in 1992

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