A Portrait of a Muslimah
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A Portrait of a Muslimah

Welcome to A Portrait of a Muslimah. This page was designed with the intent to give you at look at my life. I am new at this Web Page designing so bear with me until I improve. I invite you to check this page out every few weeks. Soon this page will be DA BOMB. For now simply enjoy the ride... You will return.

After viewing the contents of this homepage, I have decided I am not satisfied. Something seemed to be missing. I thought and thought and thought. I have found the answer. I will be adding several pages that better reflects the person I am. These pages will include but will not be limited to interests, convictions, opinions, and writings. As soon as I have overcome procrastination and laziness, these pages will be uploaded for your viewing pleasure.

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My wordly life
Doorway to Heaven
Cool people who know me

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Still under construction...don't you just hate it when sites say that?

I fear this counter is distorted by frequent visits of myself.

Email me any suggestions please.