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Mendacity was formed in 1994 by Charles Ekendahl, José Flores, Rafael Rodriguez, and Carlos Castillo. We were four young musicians in our teens that were inspired and united to play different forms of metal. We shared many perspectives and interests in a place were music had become our only emotional outlet. The band had given us a means where our thoughts and feelings would be displayed. The music and lyrics, like an Atrocity Reflected, would be a mirror of our worldviews of that time.

By 1996 the band had been featured in countless of underground magazines and radio stations around the globe. That same year the band recorded its first full-length CD Imprisonment. After the recording sessions resumed, our bassist/lead vocalist Carlos Castillo, felt that it would be wise to find a new bass player so that he could dedicate himself to vocals exclusively. It was at this point in the band history were a close friend, Omar Elesgaray, joined. With the new lineup in place we decided to experiment by breaking away from our traditional sound. In 1998 For Dear Life was recorded. The five songs, which had a new style and sound, took our music to new audiences. Only 100 copies were made of the CD. This would be the last official effort by the original members to record the sound waves that orchestrate music.

By 2003, after taking time off to pursue personal and professional goals, Charles Ekendahl and I have decided to create music together once again. While Mendacity was dormant, Charles and I played with Para, a band formed by our friend and former bass-player Omar Elesgaray. Para has definitely influenced the way I play and has allowed me expand my musical views. The new musical chemistry and the lasting friendship between Charles and I has brought alive new ideas and perspectives into our music. Our time away from Mendacity has provided inspiration and a kind of maturity that will be reflected throughout our new material. With this new solid foundation, Mendacity will release The Sadness Before Betrayal - the second full-length CD. Mendacity’s music has accompanied us and has strengthened our commitments. The way the music is born is amazing and mysterious and I’m extremely proud of what we’re assembling. The new songs speak about our beliefs and about The Sadness Before Betrayal that makes you realize you should not give up on those things that you care most about in life.