been a while since i did this, I hated all the things that were on my page before but now! I HAVE GAMES!!! you need a plugin to play it though, get the plugin where it says get plug in here. If it doesnt say that then wait for game to load and play, ok??? try the snowboarding game, its freaky stlyin and the game where you try to catch snow flakes because you can get bird droppings in your mouth. HHHEHEEHE maybe i should tell you about myself, my name is josh salem, i live a bit south of toronto (ontario, Canada) i have the strongest dog in all of thornhill and my brothers a crack head, im writing all this now, in computer class and if my teacher turns around im in trouble i just finished a computer test i was worried about but turned out to be freakin easy, im 15, like snowboarding, hockey, and my dog, SHES EVIL!!! this is a cool game about dunking celebritys that were before out time [an error occurred while processing this directive] i dislike this game because the ship is to slow [an error occurred while processing this directive] i want to shoot santa so i always lose [an error occurred while processing this directive] THATS ME [an error occurred while processing this directive] eh, its ok [an error occurred while processing this directive] snow flaky [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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