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See pictures from the Household Pet Show 2000!!

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Pet Care Tips!

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Here are my pets:

 Here I am with my boyfriend, Robert & our iguana, Igapus Regina (Okay, mom?). We just call her Iggy. I've had her for about 3 years, I think. If you get an iguana, I would suggest getting it when it is really young, and handle it as much as you possibly can. I've been to a few good pages about iguanas, so I'll try to find them again & throw in links for them. Iguanas are really a lot more work that you may first think when you want a unique pet to impress your friends with. Be prepared to set aside a lot of room and build bigger cages as your little green thing grows.


 Here is my cat, Jonesy. We named her after the cat in Alien. As you can see, she's all black. Everyone loves her eyes because they look pretty much like you see them... green. She's a really cool cat. Her only



 drawback is that she's allegic to virtually all foods and will rip her hair out in chunks if she eats them. The only food we've found that she can eat is Iam's Lamb & Rice.




This is a brand new picture of our dog, Pooch. He's a 3 1/2 year old yellow lab we got in July of 1998. Here he's striking his favorite pose.