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Lighthouse: Illuminating the way through emetophobia

Hello, welcome to my home page. I am glad you stopped by. My purpose for this web page is to let people know about an illness called emetophobia. In getting the word "out there" about this disease, I hope am helping the many closet emetophobics who are afraid to let anyone know about thier suffering.

What is Emetophobia?

Emetophobia is a fear of vomiting. I hate that work and from now on am going to refer to it as "v" or "V-iing." I am not a physician or a mental health worker, so I can only speak from my own personal experiences. For me, the fear, when it strikes, is gripping, often times leading to a panic attack.

What Causes Emetophobia?

That is hard to say. Some believe it was a traumatic experience v-ing as a child that may have triggered it. Other's believe the root lies in sexual or mental abuse in early life, although very few of these cases have been documented. Another train of thought is that it is a need to feel in control. Unfortunately when you are v-ing, you have no control. I have a friend, who suffers from emetophobia as well, and her counselor believes that the root of her illness reaches back to many bouts with strep throat as a very young child, through these illnesses, she seems to have developed a fear of choking wheich leads directly to her fear of ving. As far as finding the roots to emetophobia, for many sufferers, the root can be found, but there are many paths to explore along the way!

My Favorite Links

My home page, have a visit!
A great place to learn more about emetophobia and phobias in general.
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
